Scarlett didn't believe her for one milli-second.She knows the "I'm fine." phrase with the "I'm fine" face.But she sees Elena needs time to herself so she gently closes and makes her way down stair toward her favorite person in the world is.Aunt Jenna.She was always closer to her than she was her parents.

"Good morning Jenna how are you ?"Scarlett says as she makes her way to the coffee pot to make her aunt some coffee.

Scarlett sees the bags under her eyes and how she's rushing.She sees just how exhausted her aunt really is.I mean taking care of three teenagers who aren't even yours after your sibling and sibling-in-law have died as got to be hard on her.Especially at her young age.

    "I'm fine Scar."No she's not.Scarlett thought bluntly.She then realized her rudeness then went to open her mouth to apologize to Jenna but then also realized she thought it and didn't say it.She facepalmed.

     Jenna made a face."Why'd you do that?"Asked Jenna as she saw the teen facepalm."Huh-oh no reason."she says back embarrassed her aunt saw her.

     She handed Jenna the coffee.And smiles softly at her.Jenna realizing it's for her takes it in one hand then kisses the girls cheek saying a 'thank you'.Right before Elena comes down stairs.

"Toast.I can make toast."Jenna exclaims from the refrigerator.Elena glances over at her while making coffee.

"It's all about the coffee , Aunt Jenna."Says Elena as she pours her coffee.Jenna points to the coffee mug on the counter.

"Scarlett already has that covered."Jenna says while now pointing to the 16 year old who is now sipping on her own coffee while she raises her fist into the air in a pounding motion as if to say 'Victory'.

"Is there coffee ?"asks Jeremy as he finally has arrived down stairs and steals Elena's coffee.Scarlett raises her mug lightly to Elena as if asking if she wants hers.Elena smiles at Scarlett in thanks while taking the coffee mug in hand.

"It's your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared."Jenna says while running around trying to get her things together.Scarlett turns to the counter and grabs the papers she saw had her Aunts name on them and hands them to her.

"Lunch money ?"Jenna asks holding out the said money in her palm.Scarlett had a job this summer so she doesn't need it.

"I'm good."Elena declines."No thank you."Scarlett says finally pouring the last of the coffee into her Peter Pan mug.She loves Peter Pan a lot.

Jeremy snatches the money out of her hand without hesitation.

"Anything else ? A number two pencil ?"Jenna jokes."What am I missing ?" She asks trying to have everything together for everyone.Suddenly something clicks in scarletts mind as she makes a confused face.She turns to Elena."Didn't she have that thing ?"she asks whispering to Elena as realization washes over elena's face as she snaps her fingers at her sister in realization.

"Don't you have a big presentation today ?" Elena asks as she confronts her Aunt about her realization.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at-now.Crap!"Jenna says as she looks up at her watch as she figures it out taking her hair down.

"Then go.We'll be fine."Elena reassures Jenna as she try's to comfort her through her stress.Jenna sighs and turns and walks out of the room.

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