Week 3: Tsukauchi

Start from the beginning

The detective wanted to leave already. Nezu wanted to skin the man alive during interrogation. Bloodlust radiated off the chimera. 

Those at UA are not simply his students and employees, they are part of his pack for however long they remain at UA and sometimes even beyond. Nezu was dying to rip Koga to shreds for hurting his pack.

But he would keep his cool momentarily. Even if the justice system fails to do its job, Nezu was known to have connections within the Hero Industry and Justice System. He could do their job for them. 

Tsukauchi began the interrogation, "Koga Shigeru, former member of the Eight Precepts. Is this information correct?" 

The welt-clad man in front of them answered with a sadistic grin. Even though he was handcuffed to the table in front of him and still had the quirk suppressor cuffs, he still managed to look aggressive.  

Tsukauchi nodded, taking the silent smile as a yes. Clearing his throat he continued. "You were captured during the raid on the Eight Precepts and sent to Tartarus. How did you escape?" 

Koga's left palm twitched before a ripple along his spine spazzed out, causing him to fall forward for a second. Almost immediately he looked up, a dark, malicious look donning his face. "They came to get me…yes, they did." His voice was like nails on a chalkboard, unsteady and unsightly but sharp. His fingers scratched at each other as if attempting to draw blood. 

Tsukauchi was attempting to analyze the man in front of him. Technically, he wasn't lying so far. 

"When you mention 'they,' who do you mean?" Nezu leans forward, not skipping a beat. 

Koga snaps his neck towards Nezu so fast it could've given someone with a spine whiplash. His back popped at the movement. "Ah ah ah," the man wagged one of his fingers at the chimera. "They warned me about you. Ahuh, the 'cunning rat' that never knows how to keep his hell of a snout in his own business."

Nezu felt his previous attempt at a smile slowly fall into a glare filled with such a hateful intensity, it made the escapee slightly flinch and move back. 

"I am not so far above the law that I cannot improve on these interrogation methods to get my answers." Nezu spit at the man. "I have seen what you did to one of my students, does Izuku Midoriya ring a bell? I have seen the torture you put upon him, an innocent child. Would you like to see the same karma put upon you or would you like to answer our questions?" Bloodlust filled the room, so thickly that Tsukauchi shuddered softly at the tension. He gave a side glance to the chimera. 

In all his years of knowing Nezu, he had never truly seen how angry the chimera could become. That didn't mean he was surprised. 

Koga gave an audible gulp, though his fear was soon overridden by an insane laughter that bounced off all the walls. 

"I'll ask one more time–" Nezu didn't even wait for the man to calm down and stop laughing. "--who are the 'them' you are referring to?" 

The man almost immediately stopped and turned serious. His left cheek and opposite eye twitched. He rocked backwards and forwards slightly as he met Nezu's eyes. "They are the almighty." A giggle erupts from his cracked and dry throat. 

He changed his gaze back to Tsukauchi. "Your friend is outside the window--correct?" Tsukauchi was taken aback by the seemingly random question. 

The criminal before him smirks, revealing orange tinted teeth. His gums had started bleeding at some point during their talk. 

His shoulder twitches, making his whole arm flinch back. He begins to laugh diabolically, like he was amused that he knew something no one else did. He slowly turned to face the one way mirror that was required in police interrogation stations. His eyes almost pierced through the mirror. 

Nezu was growling, hating that the criminal and murderer before them was now ignoring the situation. He was fuming at the audacity Koga displayed. The man showed absolutely no remorse for killing an innocent child.

"The Almighty took me," he breathed in ruggedly, "he taught me how to dispose of your weakness." The man now had blood frothing at his mouth, bubbling as he talked and spilling out. 

His eye twitched more sporadically and his legs kicked out, but he never looked away from the glass before him. 

"I was given the…wonderful opportunity to aid a Hero." He whipped his head back, neck popping, as he craned his neck towards the ceiling. "I've helped a hero! I've helped a hero!" He chants at the lights above him, his creaky, demented voice beginning to yell. "I've helped the omniscient All Might!" 

Tsukauchi tenses at the Number One Hero's name. If the criminal was sent by the "almighty"…

Nezu looked over to Tsukauchi, as if they shared the same thoughts. 

"They wanted your weakness gone because–because their own weakness has perished!" He smiled gleefully, eyes blown so wide the white of his eyes could be seen surrounding his irises.  Blood faithfully dripped down his chin, landing on his brown, ragged shirt. As if a switch was flipped, Koga immediately became serious again, twitching his mouth. His neck snapped back to the window before he completely stilled. "My mission was to kill your successor because their successor was unable to pass the Transitioning Phase. Shigaraki Tomura was a useless vessel, and he died unable to handle the vast power given to him." A lopsided smile took over Koga's face. 

Nezu clenched his teeth, gripping the arms of the chair he was currently sitting in. 

Tsukauchi's eyes hardened.

Shigaraki was killed too.

"Now that both vessels have perished…" A chill went through the room. "Phase Two can commence." 

The man went silent, grinning at the glass he had angled himself towards. 

"What is Phase Two?" Tsukauchi blurted out in the midst of the tense silence. Nezu continued to analyze the criminal before him. What did this man know that Nezu didn't?

Koga ignored the detective. "Toshinori…" 

A sharp inhale was heard before the criminal broke out in insane laughter for the nth time. Blood sprays from his mouth as he folds forward in amusement. His face and spine twitch again. Through his laughter, one last chilling sentence is uttered. "All for One says hello--he is ready for part two."

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