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As Alfie Wickers walked into the classroom, all eyes were on him, well except one pair.

Y/N had his head down on the table at the back of the classroom next to Mitchell who had shifted his chair as far away from the other boy as possible.

The second Mr Wickers opened his mouth to speak, he was shushed by the students. They all looked back at the boy didn't even lift his head to speak.

"Shut him up," he grumbled, pointing an angry, shaking finger at his teacher.

"You should probably be quiet sir," Chantelle said in a hushed tone.

"What has he done this time?" Alfie whispered, leaning closer to the front desk to hear Chantelle and Steven.

"He's got a hangover," Steven explained, keeping quiet.

"Oh shit," Mr Wickers muttered, trying to think of what he could do.

At that moment, Miss Gulliver knocked on the classroom door. Alfie looked at her as the door opened and she scanned the classroom.

"Alfie, I was just wondering if you had the-" she stopped when she saw Y/N at the back of the classroom. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, he's absolutely fine," Mr Wickers said hurriedly, trying to get the woman out of the classroom as fast as possible.

"Can I speak to him outside for a minute?" She asked, looking at the boy and then back at Alfie.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he tried to reason with her but she walked over to Y/N's desk.

"Come with me and we can have a little chat, alright?" Miss Gulliver said, bending down so she was level with him.

Surprisingly, Y/N stood up and as he walked behind Mitchell's chair, he kicked it but not noticeable enough for Miss Gulliver to see. Mitchell snapped to attention and shot out of his seat. Then, he noticed the dark, angry look in Y/N's eyes and grabbed his friend's wrists right before he tried to punch the teacher who stood in front of him.


If anyone wants me to finish this I will, i just cant be asked right now

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