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I picked cherry tomatoes
Cleaned up fresh berries
And pulled up small baby potatoes
All while singing for the fairies
I hated it when you went hungry
So I always packed extra
You stood by while I was running on empty
Then suddenly my lunch wasn't big enough
Because I gave everything I had for you
And all you did was ask for more
So I gave you everything I ever had
I cut up my muscles to make you stronger
Plucked out my eyeballs to give you new colour
Ripped out my hair to make you prettier
Sewed shut my mouth to let you look smarter
Chopped up my brain to give you more knowledge
Ripped apart my heart to stop you from causing damage
Glued shut my tear dux So no sadness could spill
Gave you my liver so you could keep drinking till you're ill
Ripped out my spine to act as your shield
And took out my stomach so I couldn't feel
Feel this hollow pit you left me with
Because your hungry ate away at me for years
Yet you say that I have no humanity?
That I'm some selfish monster
Who loves no one for much longer
Than a month or two
Then I'm the one onto something new?
I was the person who ate at your mind body
And soul?
I was the one said I was fat first?
I was the one who went hungry on purpose
No longer to feed you
But to make that pit deeper
But you didn't care did you?
Did you ever even like me?
Tolerate me or god forbid,
Enjoyed my company?
I like to think that things would have been different if I had tried harder
But what more was there to give?
I had nothing left yet all that left your mouth was "more"
Never thank you, I love you, I appreciate you, just more.
So I gave you that more, even though I didn't have it, I gave it
So I stood up for you and protected you
But you were the only one with a gun
It was you I should have been running from
But I stood up for you
And when my blood got to be too much
You packed up and left with my lunch
Because you didn't care about me
You were just trying to feed your empty belly
Because god forbid there's enough
For me to eat too
Even though I packed enough
It's never me who gets to eat
I pack rotten tomatoes
Smash together old berries
Chop up fuzzy potatoes
And sing for dead fairies
Because it doesn't matter
You eat everything
It doesn't matter
When you mean nothing.

Poems cause I'm a sad boiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें