hidden feelings

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Helena's point of veiwIt's another day in camp half-blood hi my name is Helena daughter of demeter goddess of  agriculture it's been three years since Thalia had come back to life and even after 5 years percy Jackson still doesn't notice me soon I...

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Helena's point of veiw
It's another day in camp half-blood hi my name is Helena daughter of demeter goddess of  agriculture it's been three years since Thalia had come back to life and even after 5 years percy Jackson still doesn't notice me soon I'm pulled out of my thoughts as my best friend Tyson comes in "hey hel are you ok" I smile and turn to look at my best friend "yeah never better" I say as tyson looks at me skeptically "your thinking about Percy again aren't you" he asks me I nod looking at my feet "why don't you just talk to him" Tyson asks sitting next to me "please he probably doesn't even know who I am I'm gonna go for a walk" I say walking past Tyson and towards the woods where we used play capture the flag then suddenly I saw a figure up ahead it looked like luke "luke" I said to the mysterious person "hello Helena I was wondering when you would come my dad gave me a package for you It's from your mom he gave me the package then ran off I'll open it later I kept walking until I fell down the hill twisting my ankle in the process great that's just perfect ok it's official I'm definitely absolutely cursed
Tyson's point of veiw
Ok I'm worried it's been hours since Helena left for her walk I'm gonna go ask the others if they've seen her I'm almost to percy's hut when I hear yelling "that's it's percy we're over I can't take this you're always staring at her I'm sick of it obviously this isn't gonna work" I stand back as annabeth walks out of percy's hut very angry "oh hi Tyson what's up" percy asks walking out of his hut "Helena's missing she went for a walk and still hasn't came back" I say still worried "I'll get Thalia Clarice and grover" percy says running to get the others once he comes back we start searching "guys I found footprints" I heard grover yell we followed the footprints calling out trying to find Helena I hope shes okay
Helena's point of veiw
I'm laying on the gravel until I hear yelling "helena" it was clarice "I'm down here" I shout soon the light of a torch lands on me "grover see if you can you get to her" I hear clarice yell "on it" soon I hear the scraping of gravel and dirt "it's too steep for me to pull her up with me" I hear grover say "hold on I'm coming down" this time its percy yelling soon I'm being lifted up as we move pain shoots through my ankle I curl up in pain in percy's arms "hey it's ok we're gonna get you back to camp kyron can help just get some rest" he says looking down at me as we head back to camp "percy what happened" kyron asks "I fell down a hill I think I twisted my ankle" I say answering kyron's question we went to the infirmary so kyron could wrap my ankle "she needs to stay off her feet for a week percy please take her to her cabin" percy nods carefully picking me up "so you gonna tell me why you were wandering out in the woods alone" percy asks trying to strike up a conversation "I was trying to clear my head there's this boy I like but it's like I'm invisible to him" I say just going with it "sounds like a idiot to me anyone who doesn't notice someone as beautiful and talented as you is either stupid or blind" he says to me "you know you just called yourself stupid right" I say looking up at him "you were talking about me" he asks surprised stopping in his tracks I nod hiding my face in his chest I relax as I feel us sitting down in my hammock "you know I don't think your invisible right" he says running his fingers through my hair "it certainly feels that way probably because you're always with annabeth" I say not moving "well that won't be a problem anymore she broke up with me" he said still playing with my hair "why you two seemed so happy together" I say looking up at him "she noticed my attention was somewhere else or more like on someone else" he said looking at the stars suddenly he was looking at me instead of the stars "besides the person I have eyes for is way more beautiful" he says smiling at me "percy I'm not anywhere close to being-" suddenly I was cut off by percy kissing me while placing a hand on my cheek unfortunately we had to separate for air "you are more beautiful than annabeth not to mention you can make living plants grow from a seed heck I once saw you have a conversation with a squirrel and it talked back to you it was a two-sided conversation my point is annabeth is nowhere near as amazing as you" after that speech plus percy playing with my hair I fell asleep after that me and percy started dating

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