Don't Chicken Out

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Y/n's POV:

"JUST ASK HIM OUT ALREADY!" Niki basically yelled.

"SHHH!" I shushed her.  "If they hear this I will literally kill you."

"But on a serious note though," Kristen started.  "You need to ask him out.*

"My anxiety can't deal with this," I groaned.

"Hear me out," Hannah said.  "I will buy you a few posters of your favorite bands."

"OK YEP I'M DOING THIS BYE!" I yelled as I left the room.

As I left I heard someone say, "Bribery at its finest."

As I walked down the hallway to the living room the nerves started to hit me.  He could reject me, hate me, embarrassed me in front of everyone.  The list goes on forever.

I forced those thoughts out of my head and told myself, "It's for the posters and maybe a good relationship."

I continued walking to the living room where most of my friends were seated.  I saw Ranboo, Tommy, Tubbo, and Dream playing Mario Kart.  I quietly tapped Ranboo on the should once the game was over and asked him to come with me.  They asked Purpled to take over for him and followed me.

I took them to our room and we sat on the bed.

"Why did you want to talk?" They asked.  "You seem a bit off."

"U-uh.  Um.  Give me a sec," I nervously said.

I looked down at my hands which were in fists from the nerves.  I took a deep breath.

"Are you-"

"Will you go on a date with me?" I interrupted them, my face twisting as I looked away.

"D-do you mean it?"

I nodded.  "Mhm."

"W-well then I say yes!" They answered.


"Yes, of course!"

We hugged and ended up cuddling until it was time for dinner.  Dream had ordered us all take out from some Italian restaurant.

"6 pm, tomorrow," I told Ranboo, winking, and then walking away.

A/n: HIIIII!!!  I honestly love how this chapter turned out.  Sorry it took so long to get out.  Good news though!  Motivation is kinda coming back.  Idk how long I will have it but it's there lmao.  Have a good day/night!

(382 words)

I'm thinking of getting a skateboard but idk any design ideas so any suggestions??  I'm desperate lmao.

Love or Host - Ranboo x Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang