Skepping town lore

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In Skepping it is forbidden to worship a god outside of Lady Garnet and her counter parts Lady Sapphire and Lady Ruby. Teiflings are the most common race to find in the area.

Women are considered sacred and hold the highest standing in the community. Only women have any pull within the town.

The Priestesses are the most important people in the community. Shone Star, a dwarf, is the priestess of Lady Garnet. Monette Grumble, a dwarf, is the Preistest of Lady Sapphire. Spades Stallion, an elf, is the Priestess of Lady Ruby.

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The male cleric's, called Father, are the next most important people of the town

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The male cleric's, called Father, are the next most important people of the town. Currently there is Father Gather and Father Ashin, both teiflings.

 Currently there is Father Gather and Father Ashin, both teiflings

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Under the fathers is those with the direct blessings from the gods, followed by all women, then - finally-  all men

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Under the fathers is those with the direct blessings from the gods, followed by all women, then - finally-  all men.

It is common for men to cover and wrap their heads in an effort to appear more feminine. Both men and women wear a headset called chains and caps. Caps are the pieces that sit on the end of horns and ears. Chains are the pieces that connect the caps. Those with horns also have the ability to add rings to the chains. The amount of chains and the metal they're made from are wealth indicators. Bronze chains are the most common, then silver, and then gold. The first set is often given to a child on their 15th birthday and involve getting their ears pierced. This set is made during a pregnancy announcement from a cap from each parent and a chain of their choice. The missing cap is replaced with a new one within a month.

Because men have so little say in the society, they are not allowed to speak for themselves in official places. They can ask female family members to speak for them. Daughters, wives, mother's, and sisters can all be advocates for a man, as can any priestest. They make final marriage and divorce decisions and are in charge of assigning roles in the home. While young boys are often hired along side girls to clean the temples for a little money and chance at blessings, after 18 a male must cover their head and receive permission before entering the temples alone.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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