Chapter Two: Lost Souls

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   I knew that lying here, wallowing in self pity wouldn't do me any good, i had to try to find others. i.....i had to know i wasn't alone. I walked for days to the train station in Okinawa, but to no surprise there were no people above ground, there was however a few survivors in the subway, even though it wreaked of "Bake-mono" and death i ventured on and into the ruined remnants of the subway. The survivors were barely visible to me due  to the flickering  emergency lights along the dark and ere tunnels.

  As I made my way into the abandoned subway cars i couldn't but to feel like i was being watched, as i was walking in the old subway cars i saw the mutilated bodies of what used to be survivors. i was shocked to see at what the "Bake-mono" were capable of; i looked at one of the human bodies and half of the left rib-cage was preyed open and the intestines were spread about on the floor. the even more disturbing part of it was the blood was fresh and the victim was still gasping for air.

"Dear lord what happend to you?" I said with shock and amazed at how he was still breathing or alive for that matter.

"they, they came out of nowhere! p,p,please help me." "g,give me some of your life energy."

"What. . ., and how?"  i asked.

"place my hand on your shoulder."

I didn't know how to explain it; he somehow mustered the strength and while very agonizing put his in-trails back in his body, and right before my eyes his wound started healing;for every second that passed by my strength felt like it was fading. 

I watched in amazment at how his body started to heal right in front of me. "how in the world did you do that!" i asked "and who are you?"

"My name is Toshi Idate,I too am an Otaku." " I dabbled in the black arts when i was in the age of 16."

Idate gets interrupted only to hear Takahashi say a wise cracking comment.

"Black arts!! cool does that mean you can rap?" i said with a smirk on my face.

and with a sigh he said "can i get back to what i was saying?" I did a ritual that was supposed to make me immortal. . . . and after the ritual was complete i felt no different. that however was not the case, when i woke up the house was in shambles and both my parents were dead." "the only thing stranger than that was when i woke up the house had been condemned and quarantined for 3 days." 

"Little did i know i was the only survivor, when i woke up i saw my parents mangled bodies, my dad's entrales were all over the kitchen floor while my mom's body has been impaled by the coat rack and heart was missing; i myself had huge lacerations running down my forearms."  

"as i went to go touch my parent's bodies, i could feel the remaining life energy transfer into my body, and my arms felt warm, and when i went to look down my lacerations were healing themselves." "Just when i thought the freaky part was over something picked up a rock and threw it across the room, it did so with such force left a huge imprint that looked like a face."

"I spent the next 4 days in solitary trying to regain whatever sanity I had left" "i wasn't even sure i had enough courage to go back to school; but when i went back the other students feared me, they said i smelled like death, and that i would steal their energy away." "It was then and there that i had been deemed a lost soul." "it was hard to find a place to live, but i was lucky to find another person who was kind enough to let me live with him." "I eventually graduated the same time you did."

"wow Toshi. . .  i had no idea life was that miserable for you, we're both survivors we should be happy with that and leave our troubles behind" i said with a fake smile.

"Y,yeah, let me come with you, we shall take down this foe, even if it means the death of us!" Toshi said with fire in his eyes. 

I saw Toshi stagger to walk, but the strange thing was it didn't take him that long to recover, as we continued through the abandoned train wreck we caught a glimpse of what looked like two survivors in the dining cart area. we knew this was to good to be true that they were alive for this long, we rushed to protect the mother and her child; not soon after a small pack of Bake-mono followed the stench of fear and blood and were headed toward us.

we were overpowerd by a pack of three, Toshi used his inhuman strength to his advantage, I however was weaponless, untill i found a chain and used that as my weapon. Toshi managed to land a good right hook but it grabbed his arm and flug him beside like he was nothing. i threw the chain forward and Toshi grabbed hold of it, Toshi and I did a slingshot manuver and Toshi drop-kicked  all three of them into the previous train car.

we were to busy fending off the pack in front of us that we failed to notice 2 others running towards the survivors. when the child screamed we knew we could only save one life. we grabbed the child by hand. the hardest thing in one's life is always letting go of something they hold dear. the child cried out to his mother as he saw the monster tearing his mother up piece by peice.

when we broke to the surface we could see how the boy looked. he had short to medium lengthed hair, and had eyes that were in a shade of emeralds. we asked the boy what his name was and he said his name was kentara poshi when we found him his jeans were half cut from his knee down. We rested in the station above that night, but as the night progressed on kentara was undergoing a strange fever, we tried to find water but there was none in sight, we tried the bathrooms but it seemed to be all taped out. even on a day like today we couldn't save one life. Toshi and I were so upset our Ki was out of balance, clashed and made an explosion.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 15, 2013 ⏰

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Coming soon: Otaku Reveloution (working title)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang