Chapter 28 - Love

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--- Nanon ---

"Yes, this is the final draft. Please print copies of this for the meeting tomorrow evening." I handed over the file to Rith before closing the laptop for the day.

"Tough day today Sir." Rith said keeping my laptop and files in my bag.

I nodded and turned to think about Ohm's expressions that I last saw at lunch yesterday. He seemed lost. Disinterested in our conversation. And stressed about something.

I assumed it to have something related with his dad. He is always depressed after talking to his dad nowadays.

But when I saw dad Manop, he seemed to be very happy and relaxed.

Yesterday, Ohm said he had some urgent business to attend to at home which needed him to stay at his parents' home last night.

And since today morning, I am unable to get hold of him.

When I got a glimpse of him, he smiled but his smile did not reach his eyes. He was just grimacing in a way. I was surrounded by my team and so I couldn't go talk to him.

I don't know what is wrong with him. And I am loaded with work too.

Next week we have a board meeting. This meeting needs lot of prep. Everybody is busy. Everybody is working overtime too. And so is my Ohm.

And I really don't care about who is the CEO now. I am fine working under Ohm as well.

I am fine as far as he is by my side.

I love him. I need only him. And I want KP to grow. Doesn't matter who is leading it. I will always be by Ohm's side supporting him as his true partner. I have already made up my mind to vote for him. And have convinced my mom to do the same.

I want him to win with majority votes. He shouldn't feel like he can't do it or that people don't trust him. He already has trust issues with Dad Manop. So if at least most of the people will vote for him, he will feel like he earned the position well.

I walked to the elevator and Rith followed me behind. As soon as we were about to enter, Niran ran from the other end and greeted me.

"Good evening Sir." He said politely bowing to me and I nodded and smiled at him.

"Where is Ohm?" I asked him.

"Sir had some other things to take care. He is with Manop Sir." Niran replied looking down. Don't know if he is being polite or not looking at me for some reason. Don't tell me Ohm is jealous of him too.

I know he doesn't like anyone looking at me. He says that only he has the privilege to look at me. Idiot likes me so much I feel like I am too damn lucky to have such a partner. Maybe a bit of his possessiveness needs to be toned down. But I guess with time I'll be able to handle it well.

Niran quickly turned to Rith who handed him a coffee mug out of nowhere. Was he holding it the entire time? I did not notice at all. Wow!

"Thanks" Niran said and grabbed the coffee mug smiling broadly at Rith. I saw Rith frowned at him a bit.

We three got into the elevator and they both stood behind me. I saw Niran extending his hand to Rith who took a sip of his coffee still frowning.

"Sugar ok?" Niran asked.

"Of course it is. I made it. I know how you like it." Rith replied with a scowl. Niran pinched his cheek and Rith yanked his hand away. Funny thing, I could see them in the reflection of the door very clearly. Are they not aware of it?

They were trying to speak slowly but I could hear every word and see every action.

"Why the scowl?" Niran nudged Rith once.

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