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Harry sat in Charms, his mind far away from anything that Flitwick was saying. He couldn't help but to think back to the look on Oliver's face. The fire behind his eyes as he said Dumbledore needed to be gone. What in Merlin's name had sparked that? In the time he had known Oliver, he was only ever bouncy, bubbly, and adorable. He wasn't intense, he had even spoken kind words about Dumblefuck. Much to the irritation of Harry and the rest of Cirque, though they didn't dare tell Oliver that. They didn't want to upset the first year they had all grown attached to.

Harry pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers and shook his head. He needed to know what Cirque would think about this; he needed to ask Oliver a few questions. Hopefully the little Hufflepuff wouldn't mind the questions. He also hoped that the questions wouldn't upset the poor kid. He was notoriously quick to get teary eyed. Especially if he thought the group of snakes was mad at him. They needed to avoid that at all cost, they didn't want to lose the little blonde's trust or faith.

"Mr. Potter." Flitwick called out, pulling Harry out of his thoughts, he looked up quickly.

"Care to demonstrate for the class the spell on the board?" Flitwick asked, eyebrows raised in a disappointed manner. Harry glanced up at the board and almost scoffed. He flicked his wrist slightly and his wand fell into his hand. He stood up and waved his wand in a sharp figure 8 Aqua Eructo he said loud and clear.

A thin spout of water was produced from the tip of his wand. It shimmered like a waterfall, and Harry dismissed the spell before it hit the floor. He looked up at Flitwick, eyebrow raised in a cocky manner. The Professor was really expecting to catch him off guard it seemed. Flitwick sputtered out words before awarding Slytherin 15 points for Harry's superb display of magic.

Harry had to suppress rolling his eyes as he sat back down, ignoring the familiar feeling of eyes burning into the back of his head. More than likely it was Granger, prideful bitch. He assumed she was upset at his ability to do the spell without much effort. He honestly wished she would just forget his existence. Her and the egotistical weasel were getting on the dangerous edge of annoying. He wasn't sure how many more run ins he could handle without hexing the both of them till they stopped breathing.

This time he did roll his eyes, before glancing back in her direction, and just as he thought she was glaring at him hard. He sent an ice filled glare at her, his eyes taking on a dangerous shade of green. As soon as she met his eyes she squeaked and buried her head back into the book she was reading. He scoffed and turned back around, at least opening his book so it seemed like he was paying attention. He flipped to the correct page before looking back at the clock, immediately getting lost in thought again.

~~POV switch~~

The little blonde Hufflepuff sat quietly in his potions class. Listening to all the directions Professor Snape was barking out. He had just finished mixing the sleeping drought for the second time. It needed to rest for exactly 5 minutes, no more no less. He noted the time on the clock above the dour Professor's desk. He quietly brought out his quill and ink before hastily scratching down everything he had learned in the Great Hall this morning. He was still mostly shocked about it, and needed to take down his thoughts before they exploded out of him. His mom and dad had always told him how great of a man Mr. Dumbledore was. But if Hazza and all the people he cared about didn't like him surely he wasn't all that great right?

Hazza wouldn't lie to him, he knew that for a fact, he always answered all of Oli's questions, and Hazza hated liars. The small boy's eyebrows scrunched together. Hazza had said that they were going to get rid of Mr. Dumbledore, and if he was really that bad then- he needed to go. That was just the facts, and he knew that. He also decided right then and there that if Hazza or anyone else needed his help, even for a small thing. He would do it, no questions asked. He underlined that thought twice, it was important.

Finally MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora