So We Finally Meet

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Judah looked around at his surroundings, it was very different from the landscapes of Trinia. He followed close by to Ashr cautiously looking in the direction of every sound he heard. Ashr turned to face the 13 year old.
"Are you okay?" Judah nodded in response, he may have just left his home planet but he wasn't going to let an upper class Trin think that he was scared.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking it might be faster if you went alone." He looked past Ashr into the trees. Judah just didn't want to admit that he was scared to enter a foreign planet.

"Alright then, but unless you see your brother, stay here." And Ashr walked off to continue the search for Judah's brother, Cayden. Judah lent up against a tree and sighed, everything here was new and strange to him. The sounds were weird, plants were green, the creatures even looked odd. Suddenly a ball flung out from a bush at high speed past Judah's face, a dragon girl popped out of the bush soon after it.

"Hey sorry I'm just grabbing a ball." The girl walked over and picked up the stray ball, then she looked back over at Judah. "Are you an alien?" Judah hesitated.

"Are you asking me?" He scanned the area to see if anyone else was around, it was just them.

"Well there's no one else here." The girl sat down in front of Judah, obviously not leaving until she got an answer.

"I'm a Trin. What are you?" He looked at her weirdly shaped wings.

"A dragon." She answered quickly. "Aren't Trin supposed to have horns? Like Antlers?" She pointed to her own head where a green cap sat over the top of her brown hair.

"Um yes well..." The girl seemed to be overly excited to meet a foreigner to the planet.

"What happened? Are yours just short? Did someone cut them off? Are you only half Trin?"

"You're making me uncomfortable... I guess they are just short." Judah looked down, he didn't feel like explaining what happened to a stranger.

"I'm sorry, I just got excited, I don't usually get to meet anyone who aren't from this planet." The girl smiled shyly. "Can I bother you with one more question? Then I'm done."

"But that was a question." Judah smiled.

"Oh my gosh you sound like my dad." She fell backwards onto her back.

"Go on then."

"What's your name?" The girl sat upright.

"Judah." He held out his hand to her, and she shook it.

"Nice to meet you Judah, my name is Lava." Lava grinned.

"Lava where are you?" Lava turned her attention to the bush where she came from.

"I have to go... Can we talk again soon?" Lava collected her ball and stood up.

"Sure, see you around Lava." Judah watched the girl walk off into the bushes. This wasn't the last time that he would see her.

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