A Slight Filler

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I love the spring time. The subtle beauty that radiates off of the nature around me effortlessly makes my day a little brighter, despite any conundrum that manifests in my path. I inhale a breath of fresh air from my balcony and slowly wander back into my home.

I sluggishly walk into the kitchen and down my pot of coffee before going into the bathroom and putting on a casual blue A-line skirt with black thigh high socks, knee high black combat boots, and a casual black t- shirt with silver writing on it. I tuck the shirt into my skirt, and tie my hair in a high ponytail before applying my make-up and wandering into the kitchen once more.

Today is the day that I move into my new classroom at Chi's All Girls Academy. I was notified by Mr. Okishima that I will be moving into an older abandoned music room. I am looking forward to the Spring Acceptance Ceremony. I love the feeling of watching my students grow based on the lessons I teach them, especially when it proves to be useful, and I can prove that math is really taken as one massive gestalt to many people.

My students will always have a special place in my heart.

I gather my tote bag with my keys, wallet, and cleaning supplies for the classroom along with my phone and sling it over my shoulder and grab my boxes of classroom supplies, staggering out of the condominium, just barely able to shut and lock my door. Teetering down the ever- stretching hallway, I wonder how long I will be able to withstand the weight of all of the boxes bearing down on me before I fall and make a scene in the middle of the floor.

Then I feel a great burden lifted off of my shoulders. I look up and standing beside me is Kogami, Yamato. "Do I have to assist you with everything? Shouldn't you have someone to help you with these things? Geez..." It seems all he does is complain -_-

However, despite that, he still helps me by lifting the heavier boxes. He has an arrogant and sharp edged or rather roughly blunt exterior, but he is still a seemingly kind hearted person with the minor details. Quite honorable I suppose.

We continue our commute to the school, teasing each other, other people chuckling at our banter.

" I canNOT believe you're married!" I laugh. And all of a sudden his tone becomes nervous or apprehensive. " W-well obviously I am!" He replies " other wise I wouldn't work at Chi. Besides, who would ever turn ME down?!" He then looks anxious, as if he was hoping I'd believe him. Where did his normally insouciant aura disappear to?

"You're so arrogant!" I say, knowing he did not to pursue that previous discussion. I decided not to play lawyer and interrogate him, though a suspicion with him did expand slightly. He then turns the mood to an awkward one when he continues the conversation with " Seriously, don't you have someone to help you with these kinds of situations?" I knew what he actually meant but I decided it would be best if I just played dumb.

" You mean the movers? They left after moving the furniture into the condo. Besides, I didn't think they helped with these things anyway." He looks at me like I had grown three heads before responding with " Gokazoku wa ikaga?" (what about family?) This is it. I don't want to have to explain it.

I look around nervously and to my relief I see the Academy come into my view. I give an almost unnoticeable sigh and begin to walk quickly to the front doors. While balancing various boxes on my knees, I take out my paper with the classroom number on it just to confirm. Room 145.

With Yamato following closely behind I make my way through the hallways to the old room. We set the boxes down and I turn to look at Yamato. "Arigato gozaimasu, Kogami. Yoi ichini o." ( Thank you very much Kogami. Have a nice day.) He then replies hesitantly, " Hai, ki o tsukete." (Okay, take care.) He waves and walks back down the hallway, shoulders slumping.

Since upon watching him I noticed he looked particularly morose, I desperately try to make his day by calling out, " You know, you aren't too bad a person Kogami, arrogance aside." He turns back and grins before continuing his stride down the hallway, his shoulder straightening out and his chin rising as he walked.

Proud of my success in making him happy, I open the door and step into my new classroom.


Hey guys!! I have gotten so many views and I am bursting with happiness about it! Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I had to get prepared for pre-finals so I was to busy :'(((

Either way here is a simple filler chapter to tie you all over!!! Love you so much <3


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