Unlikely Friends

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I awaken to the morning sun streaming through the large windows that cover the right wall of my bedroom. Straining my eyes to see, I quickly grab my spectacles from the nightstand and put them on my face. I look at my phone and nearly have an aneurism upon noticing that I had slept until 10:15. Damn, I was more sleep deprived than I had assumed.

I had to leave for a faculty meeting at 10:50 since it began at 11. I had only 35 minutes to collect myself. I shot out of bed, tripping over my suitcases on multiple occasions and scrambled into the kitchen. I put some water in my tea kettle and set it on the burner, rapidly turning the heat on. While waiting for the water to boil I sprinted into the bathroom and shut the door. Not long after inserting my contacts and slathering concealer on my face, I heard the whistling of the kettle in the kitchen.

I frantically ran back and forth between the kitchen and bathroom. Once the tea was finally finished, I carefully poured the tea in a to go water bottle and left it on the kitchen counter. I hurried back into the bathroom. After blending the concealer, I then added some blush and brushed my teeth before applying some light pink lipstick. Once I finished applying mascara and winging out my eyeliner, I curled my long lavender hair and switched out my sweatpants and t shirt with a red silky blouse, a black a line skirt, and low black heels

I slipped on my white pea coat and grabbed my bag with my phone, keys, binder with the school pamphlet, and my teas I walked out of my condo, not forgetting to lock the door.

Walking out into the cool spring air I become overwhelmed with a sense of anxiety. Will I get along with the faculty members? Will I get along with the principal? What will happen my first day? What if the students hate me? What if I can't find the classroom? What will happen at the meeting? What if...

It is at this point that Chiyoko (of a thousand generations) Academy comes into view. Seeing the large brick building immediately makes my heart speed up. A thousand questions burn a hole in my brain as I slowly wander into the school and through the winding hallways.

Finally finding the common board room, I check the time to discover that it is 10:52. Good, I thought, I have enough time to get settled. I open the door only to be greeted by the principal.

"Salutations Miss Hanamura, I see you are doing well. Since you are a math teacher, you will be sitting with the other mathematics and physics professors at the table on the far right." He looks up at me slightly and a smile adorns his warm and friendly face.

I smile back and softly respond "Thank you very much, Mr.Okishima, your assistance is greatly appreciated." I bow and quickly scurry to the seat that has my name written on a piece of paper that had been taped to the back of it. Each seat has one of these at every table. According to these papers, to my left is a woman named Hajimata, Uta and Kogami Yamato.

I open my bag and take out my binder and pamphlet as well as a pencil and my tea. I then decide I should read a little bit out of the pamphlet. On the inside is a picture of the physics students having a lesson in the courtyard. The photo shows a serene atmoshere amongst the students and the falling petals from the elegant cherry blossom trees look refreshing.

I look at the individual faces as well. Pretty highschool girls are scattered in the grass with their textbooks and spirals spread out around them. Their bright and smiling eyes add to the picture perfect aura surrounding the scene like a veil of blue. All of them seem to be smiling or laughing at something the teacher said.

The professor is standing in the middle of the courtyard. His face is stern, yet his structured facial features manage to form a bit of an inviting alure. His cheeks are dusted pink and he appears to be beyond flustered. Beside him is an adorable young woman who resembles a ball jointed doll through her soft facial features. Her big hazel eyes and short light brown hair creates frames that make her face look almost childlike. They both seemed familiar.

That is when it clicked.

They were the couple chatting with the vice principal the other night. Of course that teacher is married. The rules state that males must be engaged or wed in order to work at the school. That does make sense. To prevent a student- teacher relationship.
Of course I could never incision that happening. After all, I can't see a romantic relation IN GENERAL anyways. Before the collision that ruined my life Aiko had already broken our relationship off.

We were going to be married for God sakes! He only wanted me for the money I earned in my old job. I still loved him though. And after the crash my perspectives changed. Not only do I not believe in love but I despise it as well.

I was rudely brought back into reality by snapping in front of my eyes. I blinked a few times and looked at the person of which the fingers belonged to. In front of me is the instructor from the photo. He is much more good looking in person. Not a flirtatious statement, but an observation. However, he seems a little more mild mannered than what the picture entailed.

Suddenly socially inept, I fumble for words to say in such an awkward situation. Finally, I just settle on a simple "Hello?"

He stares at me a moment before saying, "Geez, is being constantly aloof a hobby of yours? And are you even old enough to be a professor?" Huh, how rude. He smirks, which makes him look all the more arrogant. Slightly offended, I maintain an emotionless facade when I respond with "What about you? Are you even competent enough to be a teacher?" He glares a moment before simply laughing it off.

He takes the seat to my right and holds his hand out to me. "Yamato Kogami, Seniors Advanced Physics." I shook his large hand and and looked him directly in the eyes, surprising him and causing his dark brown eyes to widen slightly. "Kinu Hanamura, Senior Advanced Calculus." Kogami opens his mouth to say more when the Principal clears his throat up at the front of the room.

The meeting goes by in a flash and by the time the meeting is over, I am looking forward to teaching the next generation of students. As I was walking out of the Academy, Kogami jogs to catch up to me and both of us leisurely walk out of the gates together.

"Hello again." I greet. "Hello," He responds. "If you wish I can walk you home?" I blink once before saying, "Sure. I livein a condominium. The commute is about 5 to 10 minutes." He looks at me with a look I can only categorize as surprise as he responds," Me too. I live on 3C."

I laugh a little bit and tell him, "I live in 3D." Yamato begins to laugh and I giggle like a schoolgirl. He gives me a sideways glance (which I gladly return) and he then says something that made a warmth as delicate as a butterflies wings blossom within me. "Well Hanamura, it seems we are now the unlikely friends." I smile and gaze up at the crisp blue sky.

"Yes Kogami, I suppose we are."


Hey everyone, I wanted to note that the condo she lives in had the furniture and supplies placed in it by the movers. Just wanted to clear that detail up. MUCH LOVE

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