Chapter 27 "Wings"

Start from the beginning

I heard a dog barking and it bust in the room. It was going to attack me but I teleported away. I was now infront of Tommy's house. It was late at night for them.

I rang the doorbell and heard some footsteps. A adult female who I assume to be Tommy's mother answered the door. "Hello how may I help you?" She asked politely.

"Hi I'm looking for Tom Simons please. I'm a friend of his who decided to stop by." I replied. She smiled and asked me to come in. I walked in and she closed the door. It was a nice house but not too much room in the hallway.

She led me to the living room where Tommy was sitting there with his arms crossed not wanting to eat the vegetables on his plate. He looked like a kid doing that.

I rolled my eyes and teleported to behind him. I grabbed his shoulder and said, "Booo!" It made him jump like never before. I started to laugh.

"FUCK YOU!" He yelled before turning around to see me wheezing my lungs out. "Y/n!" He said as he hugged me. I stopped laughing and hugged him back.
"Y/n I'm so happy to see that you can teleport this far now!" He said.

I nodded. "It took ages, 5 hours of a sharp headache, many times passing out and your dog almost biting me, but I have finally gotten here." I replied with a giggle.

As soon as I said that, the dog ran over from Tommy's room and straight at me. I stared at it in the eyes and it stopped dead in its tracks. It calmly walked away from me.

Everyone was impressed and suprised. "Tommy, we are doing a whole cool thing for a month and Boo, Tubbo and I want you to come along. So pack your stuff, we are leaving for a month.

Next stop, Dream's house with the others." I told him. His eyes lit up and he ran to his room to pack. I was left alone there with his parents staring at me.

"Please don't stare, I have a condition which wont allow people to stare at me." I told them. They looked away and his father continued to eat dinner.

After a few mins, Tommy had put away all his stuff and was ready to go. "Tommy, eat the green beans on the plate." I told him. He groaned, walked over to the table, and ate the green beans.

"Good Tommy." I said with a snicker. He rolled his eyes.
"How did you get him to do that? We can never get him to eat the green beans!" His mother exclaimed. His father even nodded in agreement.

Tommy rolled his eyes. "I guess it's just a trait I have. I would have left him if he didn't eat the green beans. Maybe he noticed that and ate it to not be left behind." I replied with a evil smirk.

"You would have left me?!?" He shouted.
"Let's just forget about that. Say goodbye to your parents since we are going on a trip for a month." I told him. He nodded and gave them a hug.

I teleported to right next to him and grabbed his hand. "It was nice to meet you miss." I said to his mother before teleporting away. We had teleported to Dream's living room, as expected.

He saw Tubbo there and ran over and hugged him. He also got to meet Micheal and see Techno in person. It was nice to see them all together and happy.

My legs felt weak. I heard a small and quiet sob and Boo hugged me. I hugged them back. "Boo don't worry I'm back and I have Tommy too." I said to assure them.

He smiled and let go. He saw Tommy and have him a hug. I chuckled a bit and felt very dizzy. "Boo, I don't feel well, how about we go into Minecraft?" I asked him.

He walked over, held my hand and told everyone to follow us. Everyone followed us into my room and we told them how to get into Minecraft.

Everyone now understood how to get back into the game. "Now that everyone knows, I'm going to take a small nap." I said before passing out once again.

This time, Boo was able to catch me. Almost immediately, I showed up in Minecraft. Everyone concentrated and their bodies seemed to turn into a glowing orb that went into my pc.

They soon appeared in the main menu next to me. We all watched as Boo dragged my body onto the bed and then laid down next to me. He quickly fell asleep while cuddling next to me and appeared next to me.

I pressed the multiplayer button and selected the dream SMP. We joined and had our stuff as usual. I managed to teleport Kristin into the game too. We all ended up having a ton of fun.

Naturally, Philza got to be the responsable one to break up fights that Tommy got into and save him from mobs. It was hilarious to see him screaming for Philza while running away from a baby zombie.

Me and Boo watched it all happen. It seemed to really cheer them up and help take his mind off things. Kristin had even gotten some powers.

She could summon crows to do her bidding at will, use them to teleport, looked super cool and emo, had a long dark purple dress with a fancy hat, purple wings and could do a death glare.

She was extra cool now. The book appeared again. It was on my lap. I opened it and it had new writing.

"Some will get wings if they have them anywhere alse.

Such as TommyInnit and Philza. Canon Kristin has them aswell. If it is part of your origin, you will get it. However, you can hide them irl by thinking about putting them away.

Same goes for any other new features that may appear."

It was misterious but easy to understand. Suddenly, Fundy joined and got a fox tail and ears. He yelled and left the server.

We all laughed and I took a picture of the new page and sent it in the discord. I felt my back burst in pain for no apparent reason. "Boo, my back hurts." I said before coughing up some blood.

I fell from where we were sitting, which was about 12 blocks up. Philza ran over to me and saw some blood on my back. "Y/n what happened?!? You are bleeding!" He shouted. Everyone ran over and helped me to sit up straight.

I let out a painful enderman yell and suddenly, I couldn't move my back. "Philza, I can't move my back.." I told him. Everyone started to freak out.

I somehow got up and my back started to move on it's own a bit. There was a really dark purple blinding light for a split second and when it vanished, I had a pair of really dark purple wings with sharp looking tips.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now