I guess I'll never know

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Hmm I saw you post something on wattpad and thought I'd have a look. Funny how that lead me to looking through your profile and facebook to try and see how you have been.

Do you think of me every now and then like I think of you?

Do you remember how I was your shoulder to cry on when you were upset?

That I was the one to stay up till the early hours of the morning trying to make you see that life is worth living?

What happened to us?

I've kept the shirt you made me. Did you keep the shirt I made you?

Do you still remember how I was once your "prefect boyfriend"?

I guess I'll never know.

I hope you really are as happy as your digital self suggests.

I guess I'll never know

It's funny how life and event that I don't fully understand have separated us. Do you think we'll ever figure out what happened and be friends like we were?

I guess I'll never know.

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