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"Enough with that joke, and please would you stop talking with me as if we are close? The way you talk awfully reminds me of someone I know."

"Oh really, so who's that someone?"

"Why do you even want to know?"

"I just want to..."

"Then don't expect me to respond."

As the two of them once again continued with their verbal brawl, Butarou got tired of being ignored and thought of a perfect way to catch these two's attention.

"Well since you two are getting quite well with each other, then I shall go ahead first and find those twin brats." 

He was about to take one step away from his place when he felt a cold solid metal on his neck. One was from Kagura's umbrella and the other was from the male's sharp katana.

"Don't you dare hurt my kids." The Okita announced.

Surprised with what she had heard, Kagura looked at him and asked, "You mean they are your kids-aru?"

The man in question smirked back and answered, "Maybe you meant our kids, China."


"Seriously China, how long would you go planning on laughing like that? How 'bout start helping me here?" Sougo complained, still being stuck under the huge debris that fell from one of the park's ride.

The woman's laughter faded away and made a pretty bored look, "Oh, so ya figured out already who I am eh?" she jumped from the high place she came from and squatted in front of him.

"I am not as dense as you, China. I bet that the present you still haven't figured out the future me though."

"Oh impressive, chibi sadist. Now tell me what else do you already know about us, mr. tax robber genius." She sarcastically asked, putting her hands on her waist.

"How 'bout letting me go first, then I'll talk."

Just when the future Kagura was about to say something back, another female voice resounded the place.

"Not 'till I got an embarrassing picture of yours sadist." It was the younger Kagura together with the present him that Kagura was still oblivious of.

"Great. Just great. What took you so long China? Had a huge dump?"

"What missed me already, yes?"

"Sorry to pop the bubble of your fangirling but I was just waiting for you to help me here, nothing more, nothing less."

Meanwhile, while the younger versions of the sadistic couple was busy arguing, the couple from the future already had easily tied the criminal duo and interrogated them.

"Well, just because of those stupid careless poor of an excuse tax robbers' surveillance, doesn't mean you should escape and cause problems both in the future and the past."

"Except from China's false humiliation towards the Shinsengumi, I do agree with her and the fact that you were planning on getting our children involved? I do believe you know pretty well that any time by now you'll go die."

The two arrested amantos just kept quiet for their 45th failed plan. Though, they do know the route on how they could easily escape again, thanks to the Shinsengumi's jail which is full of holes. They swore to take revenge to these couple which is bound to fail again anyways.

"Well, well China... now that's everything is done, how 'bout lending a hand with the younger me, after all he is still your husband."

"Why would I?" instead, she brought out her phone and squatted close to the other Kagura and said "Hey mini me which is still as cute as ever, let's take a picture of this pitiful shorty sadist."

I Love You, baby (Gintama, Okikagu fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu