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Chapter 6: Chapter 6


"Akari, Aoi, don't cry. Your Papi is a strong person. He'll be fine. First thing we must do is to find a safe place for the both of you, so that I could help your Papi as fast as possible. So stop crying, yes? Be strong and brave for him." She comforted the twins while patting their head. The twins gave a nod while wiping their tears.

"Good. Now let's go-aru?"


On their way, they saw Gin and Hijikata glaring at each other. (To cut the long story short, they met since the said destination of Mayorin museum and Parfait Café is at the Edo Amusement park. They are glaring at each other because they are in the middle of arguing about sweets and mayonnaise.)

"GIN-CHAN!MAYORA!"Kagura shouted waving her arms to catch their attention.

"Kagura/China musume?"

"Good timing-aru. Take care of these kids, I still need to lend sadist a hand. Protect them okay? If something bad happens to them you are both DEAD." She threatened, emphasizing the 'dead' part.

"Oi, Oi what's wrong Kagura?"

"Huh? Everyone else is in ruckus running for their lives because of an explosion-aru. Didn't ya know? And besides why are you together here? A date-aru? Oh wait I don't care, sadist is in trouble, I gotta go." She sprinted away, not waiting for Gin reply anymore.

"Oi wait-"

"Mami be careful."

"Help Papi."

'Be safe sadist. I won't forgive you if you dare die. I hate to admit it but, even though I always curse you to die, now that you are in that kind of situation I can't help myself but pray for me not to lose you. Don't die on me you bastard!'Kagura shouted in her mind as she runs. Tears slowly fall from her eyes, while thinking what might happen to Sougo.

"No sadist like him won't die easily!" As she was busy convincing herself, she didn't noticed that there's an amanto blocking her way and bumped into him.

"Arere..Kagura-chan was it? Long time no see. "

"Who are ya?!" Kagura asked glaring at him.

"Oopss.. Sorry, how rude of me. Of course you wouldn't know. I'm from the future after all."


"Well you see… the future you had some personal issues with our clan, and that's why I'm here for a little payback."

Kagura spitted some saliva on the ground and looked at him with a disgusted expression.

"Anosa… If you have a deal you need to settle with the future me, face her. Count me out! I'm actually pretty busy ya know? And besides, HOW THE HELL DID YA MANAGED TO TRAVEL TIME YA STUPID BOAR?!"

"What you had said was true but, I'm not here for neither the two of you… and just to brag since you had asked… HORA! LOOK!" he pointed to a vending machine. "that's VENDO TIME TRAVELING MACHINE MARK 3 VERSION 16.5, which we had used to travel here in the past or rather the present." He bragged loudly wearing a proud face, and arms crossed on his chest.

"UWAAAHHH! SUGOI! Te… LIKE I CARE! Time machine my ass! Only Gin-chan would be interested in that crap!"

*Gin Sneezes*

"Caught a cold?" Hijikata asked with blood oozing from his head.

"Huh? No… but then again I'd rather catch a cold than catch those shurikens and kunais being thrown by those brats just like you. Geez, Oogushi-kun, these brats really detest you."

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