Chapter 1

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Alan was right when said "Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine." -  Alan Turing.

At some point the people we can't imagine doing things end up doing them it's surprising that believe in others so little or so much that it can blind us from seeing the good and the horrors of others for instance jack Whitmore high school bully Luis high school and Jasper friskal the highschool outcast.

Jasper friskal hadn't always been an outcast he was fairly popular up until Junior year when his girlfriend had broken up with him turns out Jenny Winston had been the popular one not him it wasn't like he was a bad guy he was pretty nice but that didn't exactly help him keep his top spot it made the things harder for the kid considering he hung out with the schools well know the typical group of bullies he was never around they cruel and heartless to others but when he was well that is where the complications started that was when he had started to step and help the poor souls that had been caught in there web unable to move and to slowly decay into nothingness just like the others. That had fallen for the kind looks only to later see the wolfish grins they held as the hurt and scared crawled away to safety that never shows up to go through the door of hope but to fall through the creaks like the lost and forgotten.

¨Whatcha writing Jasper?¨ Luis asked with a wolfish grin the room went silent.

¨Nothing Luis for once can you just leave me be¨ Jasper mumbled as he dragged him out of his seat by his hood.

Jasper gasped out trying to grab Luis's hands to pry them off of himself. ¨Let GO of me Luis I mean it¨

Luis laughed before composing himself he spit out "what are you going to do about it your all talk but no bight jasper?.¨ Before continuing now looking directly at jasper have maneuvered jasper to the point where he could make eye contact with his news prey.

Before counting ¨I mean you can't possibly think that anyone could be scared of you most of all me¨ Luis says with a cold look.

Jasper said nothing but stare at Luis in his dark green eyes and think that's the first time I had ever truly seen what kind of person he was but its not like I can say that we were ever friends we were just people who faked a smile at each other in the hall on our way to class. When the walls started to shake and people started screaming where had the blood come from when people, students' kids started to drop like flies when had.... Everyone started to run away. When had I started to run hand in hand with my high school bully? When did we get into a closet with tears running down our faces?

Jasper a-are you ok were you sh-sho-shot. The brown-eyed boy whispered out as he breathed in a shaky breath trying to stay composed when he made eye contact with the blood that was spilling from a hole in Jasper's shoulder, the blood pouring out of it. Jasper's eyes seemed to glaze over when the adrenalin started to deter until he fell back. Luis grabbed him trying to keep him upright.

¨Hey buddy you gotta keep your eyes open, can you...Can You look at me jasper!¨ Luis said trying to keep calm which wasn't working out for him as he was starting to hyperventilate he thought back to what had happened who had brought the guy who had shot those people. I want to say it was some random kid who had lost it but it wasn't. He was a nice kind kid who helped teachers tottered students and made it the mission to make people laugh or smile when they are sad. Ian Redwodge was kind.

So why weren't others kind back had he killed some many had happened to pass this person to their breaking point the one that no one had expected to do this had done it. After all, Alan Turing once said, "Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine." I guess civilization has proven the quote wrong yet.

To be Continued ........

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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