• Chapter One •

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April's eyes lazily opened as the sun shone through her apartment window. She stretched and rolled out of bed. Sighing, she walked over to her laptop. She were planning on looking for a job today. She knew asking Mom for rent money wasn't going to go on for much longer, as she recently got fired. April flipped open her laptop and opened her search browser, typing in "Businesses hiring near me."

As she pressed the enter button, she saw many websites pop up. Maybe this won't be as hard as I thought it would be, she thought to herself. She first looked at a few restaurants, but then decided that those weren't for her. She then looked at a few theaters around her. No, those didn't seem to pay enough. Slightly annoyed, she looked at a few grocery stores. As she looked over them, she got a flicker of hope at how short the shifts were, but then saw the pay. Aggravated, she was about to slam her laptop shut. But right before she did, something caught her eye. 'Laminax Laboratory.' She sighed, clicking on the website for it. She then clicked on the applications link. Laminax Laboratory is now hiring:


It wouldn't load any farther as she had bad wifi. But after reading through the requirements, she met them all. April them filled out an application, filling out all the necessary information. She sent it in, hoping she would be accepted. She then shut her laptop and headed out to her car, going out to do things for the rest of the day.


As she woke up the next morning, she was excited to check her computer. She wanted to see if she got accepted or not. Bouncing out of bed, April ran over to her laptop and opened it.

She quickly went back to the website she had filled out the application for yesterday. As soon as she opened the website, she saw a notification. Feeling her heart race, she opened the notification. After looking over the results... she found out she had gotten accepted for the job. Squealing with joy, April grabbed her phone and dialed her Mom.


Hello sweetie, why are you calling me this early? You normally sleep in.

Believe it or not, but I got accepted for a job!

Oh really? Where is this said job?

It's at a place called Laminax Laboratory. Apparently they do experiments on these weird latex creatures.

Oh, so your a scientist? I'm so happy for you! Those jobs pay alot normally.

Yeah, this place pays $40 an hour!

Aw sweetie, you'll get far with a job like that! But I want you to be safe. These 'creatures' may be dangerous.

Don't worry Mom, I will!

Alright, I'll let you go. I assume you have to prepare for when you start.

Yeah, I do start tomorrow...

Well, then spend today wisely! And get plenty of sleep for your first day.

Don't worry, I will. Love you Mom!

Love you too sweetie, bye!

*Phonecall ends here*

Putting down her phone, she smiled. If this luck kept up, she could pay her Mom back. Smiling, she went out to her car and drove off to celebrate this for the rest of the day.


Waking up, April sprung out of bed. Quickly running over to her closet, picking out her nicest clothes. She ran through her morning routine, then quickly made eggs for breakfast. After wolfing it down, she ran to her car, bumping into some people by accident on the way. Hopping into her car, she told her phone to navigate towards Laminax Laboratory.

As the route set in, she started her car and drove off. Getting through her town was not a big deal as there wasn't much traffic. But looking ahead on the route, she saw she would have to drive through a big city. How much fun will that be? She thought to herself sarcastically. After going through alot of countryside, she got to the city.

She sighed in aggravation at her first sight. As bad as the traffic here seemed to be, she might run later than she intended to be. But as she planned to get there early, it shouldn't be too big of a deal. But as she got near the end of the traffic, a car came flying by and nearly hit her. Heart racing, she turned on some soothing music, hoping it might calm her down a bit after what happened there. But after a little wait, she got out of the mess.

After driving through alot more countryside, she finally saw a huge building in the distance. All of the sides had 'Laminax Laboratory' written on them. Smiling, she continued on the road until she got to the parking lot.

Surprisingly, there was alot more cars than she expected to be there. After finding a parking spot, she walked up to the big double doors that were labeled 'Enterance.' She walked through them, looking at her phone to see which room she was supposed to go for training. But once she looked up, she was in awe.

There was a giant cave of enormous blue crystals with blue puddles of goo here and there. She saw people, or from what she assumed, scientists collecting samples of the weird blue goo. But none of those creatures that were mentioned on the website seemed to be in sight. She smiled, knowing she was silly to think they wouldn't be in containment somewhere.

After asking a few people about where the room she was supposed to go might be, she was walking down a hallway to a room with a single electronic door. After walking up to the door, she pushed a button and the door open like magic.

As she stepped inside, she saw a man with teal hair and glasses on. He was smiling at April as the door closed behind her. "I'm assuming you're April?'" The man asked. She nodded. "Well I'm Jay, and welcome to Laminax Laboratory!"

(First chapter, what do you guys think of it?) 1009 words

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