Videos With Views 1

50 0 1

Rias: It's time for our readers to view our results of our first 10 videos

Akeno: Hehe, I'm very happy to tell everyone all we have accomplished

Asia: We've worked really hard, and we hope for your support in future dates

Koneko: I guess


Rossweisse: *Eyes shadowed* Hopefully it's less scaring, then my first time

Koneko: That's a lie, you never had a man

Rossweisse: *Didn't give as much as a response*

Akeno: Is this about your date. I haven't watch the video yet.

Rias: EVERYONE.... let's not make this competitive for our users. *Faces you* First, I will go over the estimated amount of views for each video.

Dare 1: Beds Beyond Comfort
View: 412K

Asia: This is was my first dare and our first video

Koneko: Ended up a mattress sensation

Rossweisse: My colleagues were surprised about your appearance on TV. News spread and others bought it because they became big fans of the channel.

Asia: *Blushes* I'm happy I was able to make a difference

Rias&Akeno: *Nods in agreement*

Dare 2: MOOing Along With The Whore (Nudity)
Views: 1.3M (Over 1,000,000)

Akeno: I'll always remember those perverted cows... and Koneko concoctions and her support of incest

Koneko: Don't support incest cow tits

Akeno: I wonder, who chose the title for this video. Because I wouldn't of put "Whore"

Rias: That would be me. Perfect representation for a pervert.

Akeno: Aww, thanks for the compliment. *Loved watching their looks of disturbance*

Dare 3: Touching + Working out = Hot Bodies (Sexual Contact)
View: 245K

Koneko: .... Asia did you make the title of this video

Asia: How did you know?

Koneko: Reasons

Xenovia: Sorry Asia that isn't really an attention grabbing name

Asia: REALLY *Everyone else nods* I'M SORRY RIAS

Rias: Don't worry Asia. Remember I have my own workout tape.

Akeno: If I remembered correctly almost 70% of the school bought one.

Rias: *Shrugs* The gym owner stated " it's selling more than your hot cakes"

Xenovia: Hot cakes? Does he mean your breast.

Koneko: When the owner said "hot cakes" it means Pres's ass

Xenovia: Oh

Dare 4: I Cheer For You, Senpai (Panties)
Views: 485K

Koneko: *Glare daggers at Akeno*

Rossweisse: Wow, Koneko's revealing a new level of irritation

Rias: *Ignoring Akeno&Koneko back and forth* The cheerleader club wanted her to join the club after this video

Xenovia: Does she do it

Rias: Sometimes that was the reason why she wasn't watching Rossweisse's date last week.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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