𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧...𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

Start from the beginning

"No! Do not open that door Nano, you don't open it unless I'm there with you!" Alejandro yelled, going up the stairs and laying Luna down in her crib, turning the baby monitor on and grabbing the small screen before going back downstairs and to the front door.

"Ugh...what's eight multiplied by seven?" Nano asked, walking back to his seat and looking down at his computer.

"What's eight added together seven times?" Alejandro asked, already knowing the answer but his little brother had to learn. Hearing Nano groan as he laid his head down on the cold marble.

"Just do it on your paper, draw circles or shapes baby-"

Alejandro stopped.

As he opened the front door...seeing his bruised and beaten husband.

Who he hadn't seen in over two weeks.

"H-hi..." Mattia smiled softly, leaning his body weight on a pair of crutches, smiling at his glowing husband who just looked amazing. He was absolutely gorgeous.

"Mattia!" Nano shrieked, practically sprinting up to the boy, wrapping his arms around his waist and nearly making him fall over. "H-hi baby...nice to see you."

Alejandro couldn't even speak, frozen as he just stared.

"C-careful, babe," Mattia told the small boy, holding his back to keep himself from falling.

"Nano...go upstairs."

"But Mattia's back-"

"Emiliano. Upstairs, now."

Nano frowned before giving Mattia one last squeeze, grabbing his bag and homework sheet, running upstairs to Luna's nursery to see his little sister.

Mattia just stared at the ground. Not sure how to approach the situation since he saw how upset and confused Alejandro looked.


Alejandro wouldn't even let him finish, lifting his arm and back hand slapping his husband, pushing himself against the wall and holding him by his collar, Mattia's feet barely touching the ground, Matttia's crutches falling to the ground with a loud bang.


"Shut the fuck up!...where the fuck were you!?"


"Just answer the damn question and stop lying!" Alejandro screamed, his eyes starting to water because what the actual fuck was even going on?

Mattia had a cast on his leg and arm, along with a few marks on his face that looked like stitches, he was practically falling apart like Frankenstein. He looked completely different than from the day he went missing. There's no way Mattia could ever think this was okay...

"I can't...I can't tell you that now-"

"Bullshit! You're a fucking liar, all you do is keep secrets, you never tell me shit when I need to know it the most!...you either answer me now or I swear to god I'm leaving and you can take care of this mistake of a kid on your own." Alejandro snarled, squeezing the shirts fabric in his hands tighter.

Alejandro almost couldn't believe himself, he was incredibly strong for someone that was struggling to walk just a few weeks ago. He was guessing that it was all just built up rage.

"Alejandro, when I say I can't tell you, I mean it. It's for yours and the kids' safety." Mattia replied, seeing as tears started to run down Ale's cheeks, his face still angry.

Ale's bottom lip wobbled, dropping the older boy and letting him fall on the floor with a thud, storming back upstairs to his little brother.


An all time low is where Alejandro felt like he was at with the time being.

He sat in his little brothers bedroom, on the floor, one of his legs to his chest, the other one with a cast laid out flat.

"Ale? I'm bored," Nano frowned, folding his arms over his chest as he looked up at his big brother, finally bored of the action figures he had been playing with since Alejandro and Mattia's little fight.

"Perfect...you need to go to sleep anyway...you can watch a little bit of TV." Alejandro told him, standing up and grabbing the remote controller to the small TV in the corner of the bedroom.

"Okay, go lay down babe, you're already in your pajamas, right?" Alejandro asked, Nano humming as a reply before jumping into his small bed, pulling the covers over himself.

"I wanna watch Dipper and Mable!" Nano yelled, making Alejandro smile because he could never remember the actual shows name. "Mhm baby, you can watch three episodes and then sleep."

Luckily, Nano fell asleep after just a few minutes of the first episode playing.

Running around at school all day must have really tired him out.

But what was Alejandro supposed to do now? It's not like he could go across the hallway to his old room and lay down in there with Mattia like everything was fine...obviously he couldn't, he was too much of a pussy to do that. So he grabbed an extra blanket from one of Nano's closets before laying down in bed beside the younger boy.

He wasn't sure how he was gonna function tomorrow morning with Mattia there too, but he had to with Nano needing help getting ready for school.

He just needed to suck it up, and that was gonna be hard.


more to come very soon. also decided on a really great plot twist!!

𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐨y /𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨/ ✅Where stories live. Discover now