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Mackenzie replied with a slight yes and drifted to sleep. He looked at her in his arms and smiled. He soon fell asleep. Her alarm woke him up. He rolled over and shut it off. Mackenzie was no where to be seen. He got up and went to the bathroom. She wasn’t in there. He looked desperately for her. He found clothes for him from Jim on the chair in Mackenzie’s room. He walked downstairs. As his foot hit the last step he could smell bacon frying and eggs sizzling. His mouth started to water. When he walked into the kitchen Mackenzie was standing at the coffee maker pouring herself a cup of coffee. “Good morning honey, How did you sleep?” She asked. 

“Fine, thanks” he paused, “I thought you left this morning, I couldn’t find you.” 

Mackenzie smiled, “Sorry” She continued pouring coffee. She handed a mug to Ken, he nodded. When the food was done cooking, she prepared two plates and sat them at the breakfast bar. Ken climbed into a chair and Mackenzie joined. They ate in silence. Once they were finished Ken decided to clean the kitchen as Mackenzie got ready for the day. On the way to the bus stop Mackenzie asked: “Are you staying the night tonight?” Ken nodded. Once the bus arrived she climbed on. “Good morning Mackenzie!” Shouted the students on the bus. The driver handed Mackenzie a coffee and then she walked to the back of the bus to her seat. Ken followed. When they sat down he asked: “What happened to your dad?” Mackenzie stopped. 

“He went on a business trip and when he was on his way home from Hawaii he died in a plane accident.”  She said. “I was 13 when my father passed away. I cant really say that I was extremely crushed but I was. It drags with me for days on end. But, I know that he is in a better place.”

Ken didn’t know what to say. He looked at her with a blank face. “Honey I’m so sorry. I know it must be hard.” Ken stared long and hard at the odd creases in the fabric of the bus seat in front of him. They were silent the rest of the bus ride to school. Ken grabbed Mackenzie’s hand and walked her to the front door. He let go to open the door for her then quickly grabbed it again. Everyone inside the school stopped. They stared, and stared. When they got to Mackenzie’s locker, they noticed that no one was moving except one person, Kens ex-girlfriend. 

“I SEE HOW IT IS!” She screamed. Ken pulled away from Mackenzie’s hand and hung his head low. Jordan walked straight at Mackenzie. Not knowing what to do, Mackenzie stared at her. Jordan threw a punch at her. Mackenzie fell into her locker from the force of the punch. Jordan threw another. In the blink of an eye Mackenzie grabbed Jordan’s fist. Mackenzie got Jordan pinned against the lockers. Jordan screaming of cuss words had principal Dunham run to the scene of the fight. “What the hell is going on girls?” He yelled over Jordan. Still holding Jordan against the locker, Mackenzie tried to speak. She couldn’t open nor move her mouth. Jordan had dislocated Mackenzie’s jaw. She dropped Jordan and held her jaw. Jordan picked herself up from the floor and punched Mackenzie straight in the ear. Blood spilling from her ear, she stumbled into Ken. Jordan pushed Ken out of the way. Mackenzie fell to the floor. When she stood up, Jordan forcefully hit Mackenzie with two books. Mackenzie then sat on the floor. Hurting, she couldn’t pick herself back up. Jordan wanted to finish her off. She picked up Mackenzie’s head then slammed it into the floor. While Mackenzie’s lifeless body laid on the floor, Ken ran up to her and held her until the ambulance and police arrived. While Mackenzie was being lifted into the bus, Ken noticed Jordan being put into the back of a police car. She looked at ken with a smile and blew him a kiss. Ken looked at her with death eyes then jumped into the bus. 

Ken was waiting in the waiting room when he got a phone call. Jordan had memorized his number. Before he could talk he heard: “Hello.” It was Jordan. Furious, he yelled, “Why the hell would you do that Jordan!”

“I hate her! She took you from me! Baby-” Jordan was cut off.

“Done ever fucking call me ‘Baby’ again! I don’t care if you don’t like her but I love her. What you did today was stupid! I have never seen such immaturity!”

“Okay I’m immature? Your dating Mackenzie! I still love you!”

“Ha okay whatever. I don’t love you anymore! I love Mackenzie now, not you! You stupid conceded bitch! Goodbye! When he hung up the phone the doctor came into the waiting room. 

The doctor said: “Ken. Mackenzie is in a stable state but she is in a coma.”

“Oh my God!” Ken said loudly. 

“What happened to her?” The doctor asked.

“Well, yesterday I broke up with a girl named Jordan and today she saw that I was now dating Mackenzie. I guess she got mad and jealous then just attacked Mackenzie. Instead of yelling at me, she put Mackenzie in a coma. I had to jump into the fight or Jordan would have killed her.” The doctor didn’t know what to say. He would have guessed that Mackenzie was involved in a car accident. The doctor walked Ken back to Mackenzie’s room. When he saw her his heart dropped. Ken sat quietly at the edge of the bed. He griped her hand and laid his head onto his arms. Mackenzie’s lifeless grip got stronger. Ken lifted his head. You could see water on his face like veins from tears. He looked at her. She smiled at him. When the doctor came into the room, he was stunned that Mackenzie was awake. He told ken, “I was coming to tell you that she could have lasted in the coma for 2 years.” The doctor left as the nurse came in. 

“Mackenzie” she said, “Because of how badly you were hurt, you have to stay on life support for the rest of your life. You have the decision to pull your plug or to stay like this.” Mackenzie looked straight to Ken, who was looking at the nurse. Tears running down his face made Mackenzie cry. Ken held her hand tighter. She turned to ken. 

“I don’t want to die.” she said. “Baby, if you stay with me forever, I wont pull the plug, but if you wont, then I will.”

At that moment Ken pulled out a ring and asked: “Mackenzie, will you marry me?”

Mackenzie lit up, “Yes!” She cried and kissed Ken. 

The nurse came into the room. “What’s your decision Mackenzie?”

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