The Revenge Plan + Realisation

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Oh my god.

SCARRED for life, I turned my head and walked back the way I came. My blood boiled inside my body with an anger I never knew I had, and my head pounded with fury.

I mounted my stallion and rode off over the hills and away........

I had to go and talk to my besty lady Macduff.

TBE sun set, and I rode in darkness, which I now had in my soul. And I realised. This was my villain origin story.

When I got to the mac duff's Castle, I dismounted, stood for a good five minutes and contemplated life.
'Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts' I whispered. 'unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe in the direst of cruelty..' I didn't want to be feminine and handle this with tears and breakdowns. I wanted to have no fear. No feelings. Nothing.

I strode to the door and knocked. Macduff was away in England so lady Macduff and the kids were there alone.

When I saw her face, something inside me just lit up. I all of a sudden knew everything was going to be okay. Her hair, a lovely chestnut brown, framed her sallow face in ringlets. Her cheeks were aglow with a pink blush, below her astonishing Hazel eyes. 'Thomasina.' she spoke softly, in an almost poetic voice. 'What are you doing here? It's the midst of the night?'

'I-I shan't explain it all now... I implore that you let me in...' I cried.

And she did. She sat me down on a chair and ran her warm hands through my hair.

'Thomasina, I'm worried. You don't look like yourself. You don't have any light behind you eyes, and you're awfully frail. Let me take care of you,'
Her voice was so beautiful and it soothed me..

'Tis complicated...' I muttered, wiping tears from my eyes.

'Can I offer you some ale! Drown your sorrows luv' she said in a happy tone. We all know she's an alkie... So she has a huge stash of thatchers in her kitchen.


Many drinks later, I felt all discombobulated. I told her all my problems and drowned them out with booze. Both of us absolutely hammered, we sat on her bed and physically could not stop laughing.

She touched my thigh and, not knowing what else to do, I leant in for a kiss.

From there, 'twas all a blur. But I remember one thing. That I was in love with Lady Macduff.

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