The Discovery

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I amble slowly and quickly, on the tippiest of my tip toes, to my chamber, wherest I wouldst lie and sleep.... I grew wearier as I kept waking, almost collapsing. As I got closer, I could hear a faint noise of conversation, which grew louder and louder. I came to realise, that sounds an awful lot like my husband... And he sounded in pain!!! He was moaning and groaning as if one had been stabbed!!

My pace quickened the more I panicked, and my face grew paler and paler. I ran down the castle corridors, exasperated and on the brink of collapse, and then I realised. Theres someone else in there moaning and groaning... And it sounds like they are in pleasure. My husband was cheating on me.

Lady Macduff? Lady Duncan???? Who is in there with him???? I waited outside, my body frozen to ensure I wouldn't make a sound, and peered my pale face round the doorframe. BANQUO. WHAT THE FUCK!! MY HUSBAND IS GAY?? :? :?
I should have known because I hasn't fucked me in eternity!!

macbeth and banquo(lovers??) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz