chapter 2: kidnapped

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No one pov:
After the Funeral of Peter everyone was sad even Andy he knew Peter for a long time back at the barn. He was scared that someone would kill the others. Ariella have to be there with him to cheer Andy up

Ariella:calm down Andy your shaking again we all know that Peter was a good friend

Andy:I-I know but Someone killed him who could it be!

Ariella:Onii-chan just calm down maybe we can go and hang out with others

Andy & Ariella got outside Ariella have to hold Andy is hands bc Andy was not feeling better.
Melody & Felix was there and they saw Andy & Ariella. They we're shock that Andy was not feeling better

Felix:Wh-WHAT happened to him

Ariella: don't even ask Felix

Andy sit down. And Ariella sit next to him Patting his back until Claus show up

Claus:Hey gu- woah Andy you okay.

Andy:yea I am fine..

Claus notice that Ariella is hand was on Andy back he felt jealous but hide it

Ariella:Onii-chan was not okay after peter is funeral. I try to cheer him up and check in him everyday.

Claus:oh right about peter...

Ariella: what's the problem with that don't miss him right?...

Claus:Whaaaattt. Ofc I missed him a lot he was like a brother to me too hehe*lies*

Ariella:ummm okay anyways is getting late let's all go back home

At night

Claus sneeked on Andy is house and open Andy is window and got inside and close the window he open the door slowly and peeked and saw Andy was asleep he smile and hear something he close the door and walked to the table and saw the telephone was ringing he answered it

Ariella:Onii-chan are you okay in there I am worried that the Murder is gonna kill you!.

Claus:oh umm hey Ariella

Ariella:wait your not Onii-chan.OH WAIT. is you Claus what are you doing on Andy is house

Claus:oh he kinda ummm called me so I came so I could cheer him up & comfort him up*lies*

Ariella: that's good to her anyways I gotta go to bed make sure you give him hug's bye!.

Claus quietly turn off the telephone and he didn't notice that Andy was awake and behind him

Andy:Claus..what are you doing inside my house?....

Claus quietly jumped and turn around and saw Andy awake and feel nervous

Claus:oh ummmm hey Andy I was just checking if your ummm okay after peter is funeral

Andy:oh right wait how did you get inside my house

Claus:oh I just notice your key was outside key's we're at the cabin...

Claus was shock that Andy know his lies. Andy notice something and shocked out..

Andy:Claus....did you actually....the one who killed.....him....


Andy back away slowly but fall down on the floor

Claus:*sigh*sorry I have to do this....

Andy try got up and try to make a run but Claus grabbed him by the hair and pull out a small towel and cover Andy mouth & nose Andy try to struggle but his eyes is getting blurry and than he...passed out

Claus carry him and unlock the door and close it and walked away going to his home

To be continued...

You can run but you can't Hide | Yandere! Claus x AndyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora