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𝚀𝚄𝙸𝙲𝙺 𝙰𝚂 a flash, we were pulled out into the open. My package containing my old dress was ripped from my hands and I drew a breath to yell even as my arms were tugged behind my back, Jack next to me receiving the same treatment. Before I could make a sound, somebody spoke. 

"Ah ah ah," The man's voice rang, along with the all too familiar sound of a gun being cocked. I swung my head around to see Uncle Riley, Colt revolver in his hand and smug look on his face. He held it with the grip of a man none too familiar with the weapon, but at this close of a distance I wouldn't dare push him. Besides, knowing him he'd probably be able to hit a gnat's eye at a hundred paces using pure spite. 

So I kept my mouth shut, even though it pained me to do so. For the same reason I didn't struggle either, though the man holding me's fingers dug into my arms painfully. Jack seemed to have come to the same conclusion, making the smart choice for what I felt like was probably the first time in his life. 

"If it isn't little Y/N," Uncle Riley said, walking around to face me proper. 

I could have replied, but I kept quiet. The gun was still pointed towards Jack, and I'd no doubt he'd consider him expendable. 

"I'm afraid your little cross country vacation's over now, niece. Time to get back to home sweet home." 

I arched an eyebrow at him, breaking my silence. "And how d'you think you'll get me out of this town, uncle? Ain't exactly a remote location-- plenty of people to call for help." 

He laughed and nodded to the men who held us, not even bothering to reply. A cloth covered my mouth and nose before I could say anything else, and though panic set in and I started to fight, it was too late. Black overcame me slowly, and out of the corner of my quickly darkening vision I saw Jack getting the same treatment as I. 

And then the darkness finished its course, and I slumped to the ground. 


When I woke my hands were tied to a horse's pommel, my body supported by Finnigan behind me as he directed the horse. I startled away with a gasp, mouth dry and lids heavy from whatever they'd drugged me with. The young man behind me laughed slightly, tugging the horse to a halt and dismounting as I frantically looked around. Jack was unconscious still, slung over the back of a horse behind one of the men with his hands tied behind him. He hadn't received nearly so nice of a treatment as I had. As I watched, the man dismounted, pulling him off roughly. Jack hit the ground with a groan, slowly coming out of it. It was hard to watch, but I only could look away when Finn started to tug me in the opposite direction. 

With difficulty I tore my gaze from Kelly, eyes locking on the building we'd stopped at. My uncle was mounting the steps of a small cabin, with a little barn a short distance away. One of the men had started leading the horse in that direction, as the other held Jack. 

"Finn," called my uncle, and the lackey immediately started in the direction like the lapdog he was, pulling me with him. I dug in my heels, but I was still dazed and weakened, and it didn't do much. So I climbed the few wood steps under my own volition, glancing back again towards my... towards Jack. 

"What do we do with 'im?" The man supporting him asked, head tilting slightly. 

My uncle waved a dismissive hand, meaning clear. 

"Wait!" I blurted out, ripping my hands from Finn, sudden adrenaline burning through me. "You can't do that." 

"Why not?" He said, with the face of a man who knew he'd won. 

"Because if you kill him, the money will no more be mine than it will be yours," I replied with as much confidence as I could. "Y'see, it's not mine anymore, legally at least. Since we got married, it's all his."

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