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I was glad things hadn't changed, but I also would have liked if she'd worn pants. Even a more modest pair of panties would have been nice. The ones she wore this morning were smaller and silkier than I was used to seeing on her, molding to her butt and not covering nearly enough of it to keep me from checking her out.

I feigned dozing for a while, using the time to stare at my sister's tight ass. Not a healthy or helpful option, but it was what it was.

Eventually, if only to stop my own perving, I stretched and carefully extricated myself from my covers, which was somewhat tricky just because of how Lexi was pinning them down on one side. I cunningly hid my morning boner by lying on my tummy next to her and watching her game.

"I was wondering when you were gonna move," she said.

"When I woke up."

"You've been awake for a while."

"Not this again."

"Look, dude, I know when you're awake. It's not a big deal."

"Bah, get out of here with your witchcraft."


I shrugged, conceding defeat. "Fair enough."

I laid where I was, agonizing over the knowledge that my erection was unlikely to go down if I kept it pressed against the mattress, nor indeed if I kept lying so close to Lexi. Subtly grinding my hips both helped and didn't, for different reasons.

There really wasn't much chance of me staying good forever under the circumstances. I definitely couldn't just start massaging Lexi while fully erect though. That was insane far beyond even the boundaries I'd already pushed. I slipped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, keeping my back to my sister until I was out of sight.

Upon my return I was in a much better state, still kind of horny, but on a much more manageable level, and without a telltale erection to give me away. I tried to play it cool as I positioned myself next to Lexi again and lowered a hand to her back.

Neither of us said anything as I rubbed small circles, then up and down Lexi's spine. I casually rubbed her back like it was no big deal, like it was something we'd always done.

I took a cue from Lexi and slowly pushed her top up, exposing more bare skin above her panties. I didn't dare push it quite as far as she had mine, but I got plenty of warm, smooth skin under my palm and fingers, and still she didn't say a word about it.

To be continue..

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