Update I guess

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So, hi I'm the author of this Sayori x Monika fanfic you might have forgotten of or been those few people that kept telling me to make a new chapter. In this update I will be explaining my absence and the future of this story
(Spoilers the future of this story isn't good :/)

My absence
I was gone for so long mainly because, if I'm being honest here, I totally forgot about this thing
At first I told myself I would make a new chapter the next day but than days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years.
The only time I would remember about this story is by any notification about the fanfic (or any notification from Wattpad) and telling myself "I'll write a new chapter for my fans!!! :D"
But that never happened I'll explain why in a sec. Once I got my new phone I didn't even bother to install Wattpad again and I didn't get any notification (obviously)
So I forgot
The reason why I didn't make a new chapter was because... I was never motivated.... Even when I was "actively" writing it. The only reason why I kept writing was because I didn't want to disappoint anyone. And I didn't want to explain my absence because I was once again scared to disappoint you all.
But I feel like I made it worse for not saying anything for 3 FUCKING YEARS.... So yeah that's why I've been gone for so long.

Why I won't be continuing this fanfic
If it isn't obvious, I won't be continuing this fanfic and I'll explain why.
I just lost creativity and drifted far FAR away from the fanfic community
I was in an edgy, angsty phase when I started to get into fanfics and like all phases I grew out of it....
I stopped writing my story, I stop READING stories and stopped opening the app in general and continuing this fanfic will just feel empty and pointless, there's probably other Sayori x Monika fanfics out there that's probably better than a story made by a angsty pre-teen with no experience on writing.
Sorry to say but I won't be continuing this fan fic...

What will happen to me
I won't be deleting this story or account for the sake of you guys and to look back on this mess later in the future
And if any of you were wondering, no there isn't really anywhere else to follow me on.
The username I have on this account rn is old and I'll never use it again
I go by another alias but I don't want to say what it is because I don't want to associate myself with this story anymore or have people to know me as "that one kid who made that Sayori x Monika fanfic" so yeah....

Final message
So once again I'm sorry I won't be continuing this story anymore but I am really thankful for the audience I made, and even though all this hoping for a new chapter was for nothing I really admire the hope you all have for this story and I appreciate you all for that ❤️
You guys are determined no matter what and I can't thank you enough for that :)
And reading your comments makes me smile from all the support but laughs because you guys make some funny ass jokes in the comments
10k reads isn't something to ignore as well this is the first big audience I ever had (and the only) and it feels like you guys really cared about this story!
And as a thank you, have this draft for a chapter I had planned a LONG time ago

Sayori P.O.V

Another day to be alone. I was sitting were I normally sit and all I could think about is monika and how much she probably hates me Later I see MC walking in the class room holding a small gift bag and heading towards me


Sayori was at her spot as usual and I walk up to her getting ready to give her the present I bought for her

"Hey, Sayori"

"Hey, MC"

"I have something for yo-" But before I could even finish my sentence monika came between us

"Hey, guys"

Monika said looking at us mostly at Sayori

"Hey, Monika"

I responded

Sayori look a bit happy and worried to see her

"Hey, Sayori would you mind leaving me and MC alone for a while"


Sayori left and went over to talk to yuri and natsuki

"MC, I was wondering if you wanted to go get coffee after school" I didn't know how to respond because I didn't want to reject her, that would be rude, but than who would walk home with sayori but under pressure I said yes

"yay!" Monika responded

Sayori P.O.V

I went over to Natsuki and yuri because I had nothing else to do since monika wanted to talk to MC

I really wanted to talk to her more...
"Hey guys"

I said trying not to show my sadness

"hey, Sayori how are today?"

"Fine thanks for asking!"

Like I said this was a draft that was never completed so sorry for the Cliffhanger :p

So in conclusion
I'll be discontinuing this story but I will miss all of you guys and the support you've all have given to me till now
Good bye and have a good day/night
I love you all ❤️

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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