Chapter 22 TW Swearing

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up with George not next to me.

I sit up and hold my right arm, the one in pain. George walks into the room.

"Your going to the doctors" George says

"Fine" I say. George walks up to me and carefully takes my arm.

"It's swollen" George says

"Is it?" I ask

"Yeah, I wonder if you broke it" George says

"If I did that means I can't work until it heals" I say

"So someone else will take over for you until it heals?" George asks

"Yeah" I say

"That means more time to spead with Sophie and me" George says

"I guess so" I say

"Right I am off to drop Sophie at daycare, do you wanna see her before I do?" George asks

"Yes please" I say

"Alright" George says "Sophie come here! Papa wants to see you before you go!"

Sophie runs into the room and jumps onto the bed.

"Papa! How are you feeling?" Sophie asks

"I am feeling alright, are you ready for daycare?" I ask

"I am very excited! I met some new friends that had the same problem as me when I was alive" Sophie says

"Thats really good friends are always good" I say

"Thanks papa!" Sophie says. I pull Sophie into a tight hug.

"I love you Sophie" I say

"I love you too Papa" Sophie says

"Stay safe" I say

"You too" Sophie says. I let go of Sophie who jumps off the bed and runs up to George.

"Come on Mama lets go" Sophie says

"Hold on Sophie" George says "Get ready for the doctors okay love?"

"Yes of course" I say

"Love you Clay" George says

"Love you too George" I say. George and Sophie walk away.

I hear the front door shut, I get out of bed and walk over to the closet. I grab out some clothes and walk to the bathroom.

I change into the new clothes and sit down on the bed. I gently pick up my arm and hold it, I scream when I touch my arm, I immediately let go of my arm.

I start to tear up, I lay down on the bed.



I open my eyes, I must of fell asleep.

I look up to see George.

"Sorry" I say

"It's fine Clay don't worry about it" George says

"I guess we should go" I say

"Yes now come on" George says. I get up out of the bed.

George holds my other hand and we close our eyes and fade into the light.


"Alright Dream it seems that your arm os dislocated, easy fix but it will hurt for a few days" The doctor says

"Please just fix it" I say. George squeezes my hand tightly.

The doctor walks up to me and grabs my hurt arm, he quickly snaps my arm back into place, I scream in pain.

"There all done" The doctor says

"Thank you doc" George says

"No problem I am always happy to help" The doctor says

"Well I better get him home" George says

"Yeah his gonna need his rest" The doctor says. And just like that I pass out from the pain.

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