As you arrived, you got to the gorgeous building, you walked up the steps, and entered the gorges place, you stood everyone stared at you faint pink showed on your cheeks, with slight embarrassment, you made your way down the steps.

Bucky smiled when you made your grand entrance, when the royal spokesman said. "The prince shall choose his dance partner for the first dance." He excused himself and you bowed to the king.

Bucky rushed up as you met the floor. "You look divine."

"Mr. Bucky." You smiled, his cheeks flushed. Bucky stumbled over his word as he asked you to dance with him. "I would love to." The song started to play and the both of you started to dance with one another. "They're all looking at you." You said under your breath.

"Believe me they are all looking at you." He led you through every step and every twirl, if you could in that moment you would physically place your life in this stranger's hands.

Soon everyone started to dance when the princess came up next to the two of you. "Great choice of princess brother." She smiled. "I'm Rebecca, you must be mystery girl."

You looked at Bucky. "Is that who I am, a mystery girl?" You laughed gently.

"It's all you gave me to run with." He cupped your cheek. "Let's have some privacy." He led you out towards an empty hallway.

"You're the prince." You said in shock.

Bucky nodded. "Yes."

"And your name's not really Bucky?" You asked.

He tilted his head. "Well...It's a nickname, so sort of yes."

"Are you not a CEO? I mean why if you're a prince why would you want to be also a CEO?" You questioned.

Bucky looked at you. "I am but I'm going to have to step down. My sister however is going to take over for me once I take over as king for my father."

"I should be asking you the questions, Miss. Y/l/n." He said to you.

You sighed. "I see you've talked to Natasha."

"Yeah, how about we make a deal, no more secrets." He offered you.

"Agreed." You smiled, then both of you came upon a photo of Bucky on a wall. "Is that you?"
He sighed. "I hate portraits of myself, don't you?" He asked.

You shook your head. "I've never had one of me done."

Bucky smiled. "Out of all people you should be the one who has a portraits, though I don't think it could capture your beauty." You blushed at the compliment.

"Who is she!" The duke yelled at Steve and Sam looking between both men. "You two idiots are the closest to the prince, yet you seem to know nothing about who he's been infatuated with."

Steve turned to the duke. "That's because he doesn't know her name, therefore we don't know her name, and why would we tell you?" Steve hissed at the man.

Bucky and you walked around the beautiful gardens. "What's wrong?" You asked him, when he said he didn't want to go back to the dance in which honored him.

"If I go back they'll sell me off to a princess who I have no interest in marrying." He tells you. "As my father wishes."

"Perhaps you can change his mind." You said softly to him.

Bucky frowned. "I'm afraid I don't have much time to do so.

You sighed, putting a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. "I'm sorry, Bucky."

Sam tried working something else out with the duke. "People are saying she's a princess, so maybe you'll get what you so desperately want duke."
The duke rolled his eyes. "Do you not see it already, I have a deal with they family of Irene, that prince James will marry princess Sharon."

"You can't just sell him away like that." Sam's anger flared at the admission. "You're not actually even giving anyone a chance to win him over, you're just gonna give him to that woman."

Alexander found the duke. "Duke!" He called out, said duke turned around. "I couldn't help but overhear about your conversation, and I agree, and I'll get rid of our little problem girl in blue, but only if you are willing to make a deal with me about my son."

"What is it?" The duke asked.

"Marry one of my son's off to the princess." Alexander holds out his hand.

Zola takes it, and they shake hands. "Agreed."

You and Bucky walked some more in the garden. "Is this your personal home?"

"No, this is my family's home here in New York, come here I wanna show you something I've never shown anyone before." Bucky said honestly.

Bucky led you to a door, with vines covering it, he opened it with a key, he opened the door, as you stepped in you spoke aloud exactly what you were thinking. "A secret garden?"

"It was my mothers." He told you.

You continued to look around. "It's beautiful."

"Have a seat." He said as you both walked to a swing.

You shook your head. "I shouldn't."

You and Bucky went back and forth for a minute, until you gave in, sitting on the swing he began to push you, then one of the glass shoes fell off and Bucky stopped your back and forth motion on the swing. "It's made of glass." He said in shock. "How did you?"

"They're really comfortable." You said shortly, Bucky placed the shoe back on your foot.

He pulled the swing closer to him. "Will you tell me who you really are other than a last name?"

You smiled, placing your soft hand on his cheek. "My name is-" You were cut off by the clock chiming alerting you that it was midnight. "I have to leave." You stood, and started your run to make it to your home on time, Bucky chased after you. "I'm sorry!" You yelled back as you looked at him.

You ran through the palace, bumping into the king. "I am so sorry you majesty." You curtsied in a rush.

"It is quite alright." He said to you.  

"One last thing, I want you to know your son Bucky loves you dearly." Was the last thing you said then you ran out the front doors and down the steps, and to the carriage, not realizing until you were in that you lost your shoe.

As the chime's continued the carriage and your clothes slowly changed. Soon you stood with chipmunks, a goose and lizards, in the pink dress and one shoe. Cars pulled up around you and your animal friends. "Did you see a carriage come by here?"

You shook your head. "No sorry duke, but to tell his majesty the prince, the name Y/n." 

Once home you hid the singular glass shoe under the floor boards of your room in the attic. 

Lavender's Blue (Cinderella au // CEO AU)Where stories live. Discover now