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 You cried to yourself, you apologized to your mother and father. "I'm sorry, I said I'd have courage but I don't." You sobbed. "Not anymore, I can't stay in this prison anymore." You ran into the house to start pacing your bag to leave, but you were stopped by a loud knock on the door. You furrowed your brows as you made your way down stairs, and to the front door. You opened it to find a woman with light red hair, lighter than Natashas natural hair. "Hello, how can I help you?" You asked the stranger.

"You're just as she told me." She smiled. "Now come on."
"W-who are you?" You asked.

The woman turned around. "I'm Wanda, a friend of Natasha's, now come on let's go out back, I'm gonna need room." Once outside again. "Why are you crying?"

"It's nothing." You sighed.

She looked at you, with a smirk. "Y/n kindness is the key to getting what you of all people deserve."

"How-I'm confused now." You sighed. "Why are you here?"

"Think of it this way my dear, I'm your fairy godmother-ish, you'll see, now let's get started shall we?" She smiled looking around. "Let me get comfortable." She snapped her fingers appearing in a beautiful dark red and black pants-suit. "Do you have any round fruit or vegetables?" She looked around.

"Um well we do have watermelons." You offered.

"Oh! Yes that shall do." You and she rolled it out. "Okay let's give this a try." She sent a zap at the fruit and it started to grow.

"What's this going to be?" You asked the stranger.

"A carriage, though I should have thought that one over...oops! Oh well." She shrugged, then continued to flirt around. "Huh, any ways while that's doing its thing where are all the animals that you have?" She pointed her finger at a goose than some chipmunks running around and lizards, the good turned into a coach man, and the lizards into foot men, along with the chipmunks turning into horses, the watermelon was turned into a gorgeous gold and carriage. "Okay now for your dress." She made a 'ch' noise as she thought about what to do with your dress. "Perfect." She said in thought, she pointed at you as your 'new' dress flared out in a gorgeous blue dress appeared on your body. "You're gonna need shoes." She pointed at your feet, and gorgeous glass shoes. "Glass, I know, but you'll find them very comfortable, especially for dancing. Now Y/n, go and have a wonderful night, but remember you have to be back by midnight, or all of this will be no more." She saw you off as the carriage moved fast towards the destination of the ball.

Bucky looked and looked wondering where you were, all he asked was to see your face one more time, before all of that was changed, the location was gorgeous, filled with whites and golds the chandeliers shone above, they announced princess after princess, and guest after guest, Bucky saw the woman who owned the Y/l/n tech. "Who are you looking for?" His father asked.

"I'm sure you can guess father." Bucky smiled.

"The girl." Bucky nodded at his fathers answer.

Bucky turned. "I'll be right back." He headed down to Natasha.

"Mr. Barnes." She smiled at him. "Or should I say your highness?" She offered.

Bucky laughed. "I'm wondering, do you possibly know my mystery girl, I mean she seemed super friendly with your employees."

"I do, my family has been friends with her family for so long, in fact after her mother died she handed her family company to me." She offered.

"She's a Y/l/n?" He asked, Natasha nodded she then walked away.

Bucky headed back up stairs where the grand duke Zola was waiting with a princess to introduce him to. "Prince James, this is Princess Sharon from the kingdom of Irene." The man introduced to Bucky still used educate towards her though having no feeling towards the woman.

Lavender's Blue (Cinderella au // CEO AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu