Sailing with a Pirate

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Alexandra adjusted her dress as she saw Will sneaking into the dungeons. She furrowed her brows and followed him. 

She hid behind a wall as Will walked into the cell room. 

"You! Sparrow!" Will said. "Aye?" Sparrow said, laying on the floor. "You are familiar with that ship, the Black Pearl?" Will questioned. Sparrow laid his head back down. "I've heard of it." He said. "Where does it make berth?" Will asked. "Where does it make berth? Have you not heard the stories?" Sparrow asked. "Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from the dreaded Isla de Muerta. It's an island that cannot be found, except by those who already know where it is." He explained. Alexandra furrowed her brows. 

"The ship's real enough, therefore its anchorage must be a real place. Where is it?" Will asked. Sparrow held his hand up and looked at his nails. "Why ask me?" He asked. "Because you're a pirate." Will said. 

"And you want to turn pirate yourself. Is that it?" Sparrow questioned. "Never!" Will spat. "They took Miss Swann." He said. "Which one?" Sparrow asked. "Elizabeth." Will said. "So it is that you found a girl!" Sparrow exclaimed, sitting up. Will gave him a look. "I see!" Sparrow said. Alexandra looked at the ground. 

"Well, if you're intending to brave all, hasten to her rescue, and so, win fair lady's heart, you'll have to do it alone, mate. I see no profit in it for me." Sparrow said. "I can get you out of here." Will said. "How's that? The key's run off." Sparrow said. "I helped build these cells. These are half-pin barrel hinges." Will said. He looked for something. "With the right leverage and the proper application of strength, the door will lift free." He said, placing a piece of wood in the door. 

"What's your name?" Sparrow asked. "Will Turner." Will said. "That would be short for William, I imagine. Good, strong name. No doubt named for your father, eh?" Sparrow said. "Yes." Will said. "Well, Mr. Turner, I've changed me mind." Sparrow said, standing up. "If you spring me from here, I swear, on pain of death, I shall take you to the Black Pearl, and your bonny lass. Do we have an accord?" He stuck his hand through the cell. "Agreed." Will said. "Agreed! Get me out!" Sparrow said. 

Will opened the cell, the door banging as it fell. "Hurry! Someone will have heard that." Will said. "Not without my effects." Sparrow said. Alexandra ran out of the dungeons. 

Alexandra sat on a yardarm, out of sight from Norrington and his men. She turned Elizabeth's ring in her hand. 

"Commodore! They're taking the Dauntless!" A man yelled. Alexandra looked at the ship across the bay and smiled. 

"Commodore! They've taken the ship! Sparrow and Turner! They're taking the Dauntless!" A man yelled. Alexandra threw the ring up and caught it as Norrington and his men sailed across to the Dauntless

Alexandra watched as Norrington and his men made over to the Dauntless. "Search every cabin, every hold, down to the bilges." Norrington ordered. 

Alexandra saw Sparrow and Will swing over to the Interceptor and smirked. 

"Sailors, back to the Interceptor!" Norrington yelled as Sparrow sailed away. 

"Thank you, Commodore, for getting us ready to make way. We'd have had a hard time by ourselves." Sparrow said, waving his hat. Men shot at them. Will and Sparrow ducked. Alexandra stood up. Norrington looked at her. She smirked and shrugged, waving. 

Alexandra whistled as she threw a dagger between the two men. Sparrow and Will looked up at her. She grabbed a rope and swung down. "Alexandra." Will said and walked over to her. Alexandra nodded at him. "What are you doing here? When did you cut your hair?" Will asked. "Same as you, Turner." Alexandra said. "I'm looking for Elizabeth." She added and walked passed him. Will furrowed his brows at her. "Also, I only cut it to my shoulders. A way to tell us sisters apart, yeah?" She said, walking up the stairs to the poop deck. 

Sparrow looked at Alexandra. "It's bad luck to have a lady on board." He said. "I'm not going to let Elizabeth get killed by pirates. So, bad luck it shall be, yeah? Captain?" Alexandra said and smiled. Sparrow nodded. Alexandra dropped her smile and walked to the railing after grabbing her dagger. Sparrow gave Will a look. 

Alexandra sat on a yardarm, carving into the wood. 

"When I was a lad living in England, my mother raised me by herself. After she died, I came here, looking for my father." Will explained, sharpening his sword. Alexandra furrowed her brows. "Is that so?" Sparrow asked. 

"My father? Bill Turner?" Will said. He followed Sparrow to the poop deck. "In the jail, it was only after you learned my name you agreed to help. Since that's what I wanted, I didn't press the matter." He said. Alexandra watched them. "I'm not a simpleton, Jack. You knew my father." Will said. 

"I knew him. Probably one of the few who knew him as William Turner." Sparrow said. "Everyone else just called him, 'Bootstrap' or Bootstrap Bill." He said. "Bootstrap?" Will questioned. "Good man. Good pirate. I swear, you look just like him." Sparrow said. "It's not true. He was a merchant sailor. A good, respectable man who obeyed the law." 

"He was a bloody pirate, a scallywag." Sparrow said. "My father was not a pirate!" Will said, unsheathing his sword. Alexandra sighed. 

"Put it away, son. It's not worth you getting beat again." Sparrow said. "You didn't beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight, I'd kill you." Will said. Alexandra narrowed her eyes at him. 

"That's not much incentive for me to fight fair, then, is it?" Sparrow said, turning to him. He turned the Helm and a yardarm hit Will. Alexandra smiled. 

"Now, as long as you're just hanging there, pay attention." Sparrow said. "The only rules that matter are these: What a man can do and what a man can't do. For instance, you can accept your father was a pirate and a good man, or you can't. Pirate is in your blood, boy, so you'll have to square with that someday." Sparrow said. "Me, for example, I can let you drown, but I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesies, savvy?" He said. "Well, with just Miss Swann." He said as he saw Alexandra's look. "So..." He turned the Helm. The yardarm moved back over the ship. Will landed on the deck. Sparrow held a sword at Will. "Can you sail under the command of a pirate?" He flipped the sword in his hand so the handle was pointed at Will. "Or can you not?" Alexandra landed beside him. Will looked at her as he took the sword. She spared him no glance as she looked at Sparrow. "Tortuga?" Will asked. "Tortuga." Sparrow said. 

Sparrow and Alexandra walked into each other. Both narrowed their eyes at each other. Alexandra smirked and walked passed him to Will. She held a hand out, looking out at the ocean. Will took her hand and let her pull him up. He looked at their hands. She pulled her hand out of his and walked down to the deck. 

"Trouble in paradise?" Sparrow asked. Will watched Alexandra lean on the railing then looked at Sparrow, who held a smirk on his face. He rolled his eyes and looked at Alexandra, who was muttering something. 

♪ Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
♪ We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot
♪ Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho
♪ We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot
♪ Drink up me 'earties, yo ho

Alexandra sung quietly as she turned Elizabeth's ring in her hand. She furrowed her brows. 

♪ Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
♪ We extort, we pilfer, we filch, and sack
♪ Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho
♪ Maraud and embezzle, and even high-jack
♪ Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho

"I didn't know you sung." Will said. Alexandra sighed. "There's a lot you don't know about me, Mister Turner." She said and placed the ring in her shirt. She went to walk away. Will stepped in her way. "Are you upset with me?" He asked. "What makes you think that?" Alexandra asked. She went to step around him but he blocked her path. "Because you never call me Mister Turner." He said. Alexandra narrowed her eyes at him. She turned around. Will grabbed her hand. Alexandra pulled her hand from his. "Leave me alone." She hissed. She walked away from him. "Trouble in-" "Shut up!" Alexandra yelled, cutting Sparrow off. "Ooh, moody." Sparrow said as Alexandra climbed up to the crow's nest. Will watched as she hid behind the walls of the Nest. 

Alexandra The Misconceived -- The Curse of the Black PearlKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat