Chapter Twelve

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Riding through Asgard, I was filled with anticipation. I wanted to sweep Freyja up into my arms and carry her as far as I could from that temple. I wanted her secluded, far enough so that I was the only one who could hear her whimpers, her moans-

Get your head on straight, I thought to myself as I rode through the streets. The subtle click of my horse's hooves against stone drew me back to reality. There I was, making an utter embarrassment of myself due to some Priestess. Freyja was gorgeous, yes, and her hand was-

Loki. Right, right. Focus. I was not going to fall head over heels for a woman who called me a brat. I had been with hundreds upon hundreds of men and women, for that matter-I had been with hundreds upon hundreds of men and women who respected me. As I passed the brothel in the village square, I knew damn well that if I were to walk in there-the very ground I walked on would have been worshipped. Those whores would get on their knees for me without me even asking. But with the pride Freyja held, so sure of herself and so damn smart, I knew I could never make her kneel. No matter how much I wanted to see her pretty little face looking up at me, begging...pleading. I couldn't. I just couldn't.

As I came upon the temple steps, Freyja wasn't waiting there as she normally was. There wasn't a golden-haired priestess in sight, in fact, there was not a single priestess in sight. No blue robes graced the temple exterior and for once, the grand temple doors were shut. Something was wrong.

I dismounted my horse, not even bothering to tie it up as I ascended the temple steps. I ignored the way my heart began to pound as worry bubbled up within me. Never had I seen the temple so dead. It was always bursting with life as priestesses tended to the gardens or welcomed people inside. Music and laughter could always be heard seeping out from the windows. But now, it was quiet and all too still. I couldn't think about what lay on the other side of the temple doors, couldn't bring myself to consider if something had happened to Freyja.

I reached for the door, ready to investigate before I heard yelling begin to sound within the temple. Raw, rough voices argued just beyond the threshold, reverberating through the door. I couldn't make out a single word but I knew one of the voices well. Freyja. Her voice's dynamics were strong and firm, less emotional and shrill than whoever her opponent was. From the volume of her voice, I knew she couldn't be more than a few feet on the other side. I paused, my hand lingering just a few inches from the door as I debated whether or not I should step in. It wasn't my problem, and truly I shouldn't have cared but worry crept through me nevertheless.

Just as I was about to withdraw my hand, a mighty clap sounded like a strike of lightning followed by a harsh fall. Without a thought, I pushed open the temple door. Freyja was a burning heap of fury on the ground, her eyes were filled with tears but held an icy glare. She clutched her cheek, her skin crimson red beneath her finger tips. Following her merciless gaze, I found an old woman with long silver hair standing before me. Her hand was still raised from the blow she had just dealt to Freyja.

Unbridled anger boiled up within me as I looked at that old woman. Right there, I wanted to end her-completely disingrate every fiber of that woman for even thinking it was at all alright to strike Freyja. Magic began to swirl about my fingers as I stalked towards her. "Did you strike that girl?" I asked in a rage, my voice sounding off the walls with a mighty verbrato.

The woman didn't even flinch as I faced her. She simply tipped her face up to me and raised a brow. Her eyes lifted to me, lazily and slowly as if she were inspecting every inch of me. My blood curdled as I finally met her gaze. Her eyes were ringed with bloodshot red but there was no cornea or pupil to be seen. There was only murky white, like I was staring straight into a stormy sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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