02: Academy

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Shinju massage her temples as her headache kicks in again.

"Are you fine, princess Shinju?" Their teacher ask

The whole class turns to her with concern eyes, some are fakes and some are real.

One of the real is a boy with blond hair and have those dreamy blue eyes. His name is Namikaze Minato.

"I am fine, sensei" Shinju reply

The class resumes with Shinju writing down on her notebook.

Shinju is always the second place in their class after all the first place belongs to Minato.

Shinju knows that she could never beat Minato's records. Despite her being from Senju and Uzumaki, she is not talented.

Shinju headache worsen as she overthinks. She clutch the pen that she is holding in her right hand.

Minato who is sitting beside Shinju notices the struggle of Shinju. His eyes fills in with concern.

"Hey? Are you fine?" Minato ask

"I am fine." Shinju reply

Minato did not buy the reply of Shinju but pretend that he did buy it.

Shinju feels a lot of pressure as she receive a news that her Grandaunt will be now passing the nine-tails to another Uzumaki.

Shinju who always with Mito after her parents passing feel sadness as she is not yet ready to let go of Mito.

"Okay class! Free time!" Their teacher announce

The jonin went out of the room to do something.

Minato look at Shinju who have her head on the table.

"Shinju, I know you are not fine." Minato states

Shinju did not reply as she feels not to.

Minato sighs and hold the hand of Shinju that is on the table then caress it.

"Tell me, what is wrong?" Minato ask

Shinju curse Minato for being good with words and for being intelligent.

"N-nothing is wrong, Minato" Shinju denies

Minato knows how hard-headed Shinju is, after all they have been classmates since from the start.

"Is it about Mito-sama? Or is it about the pressure you are feeling?" Minato ask

Shinju's eyes widen when she heard those words out of Minato's mouth. Her tears rolls down of her cheeks.

Shinju still hide her head by placing her head on the table.

"B-both" Shinju honestly reply

Minato who is still caressing the hand of Shinju think of the right words he will say.

"It's okay, let it out." Minato say

Minato free hand rub Shinju's back.

"I know how hard and heavy the pressure especially coming from two known clans." Minato say

"But always know whatever the results are, you did your best and you know to yourself that it was the best that you could do." Minato adds

Minato and Shinju are friends, they are always like this when one of them are experiencing a problem.

"I-i don't want to disappoint my ancestors for not graduating as the first place, no offence" Shinju say

Shinju sobs are quiet but Minato can still hear it. It breaks his heart hearing the sobs of Shinju.

"You are not a disappoint when you graduate second. You did your best and that you are the best!" Minato reply

Shinju smile at the compliment of Minato.

"Your name means pearl and pearls are one of the most charming and valuable gems out there. You are like a pearl, charming and important" Minato adds

Shinju stop crying as she hear the comforting words of Minato.

"As long I am here, no one could hurt you." Minato concludes

Shinju lift her head from the desk and to see a smiling Minato.

"Thank you, Minato" Shinju reply

Minato let go of Shinju's eyes and smile again to Shinju.

Shinju return the gesture smiling sweetly towards Minato.

Shinju wipes her tears as she feels a lot better than before.

Their teacher comes inside with a unfamiliar girl who have red hair and blue eyes like Shinju's.

"Class, this is your new classmate." Their teacher inform

"Kushina Uzumaki, I'm going to be the first lady hokage. Dattebane!" Kushina say

The class laugh except for Shinju and Minato.

Minato stand up and smile at Kushina.

"My dream is to become the hokage too" Minato comforts

Kushina take a sit behind Shinju and Minato.

"Yuto Namikaze, I'm that brat's cousin" Yuto introduce himself

Shinju let out a soft giggle and Minato smile not because of Yuto but because of Shinju's giggles.

"You know me..." Kushina reply

Their teacher went out again.

"Well, Kushina. I'm Shinju Senju" Shinju states

"How come? Ttebane?" Kushina ask

"Half Senju and half Uzumaki" Shinju reply

Shinju and Kushina talks more while Minato, and Yuto chat too.

Shinju's headache is like a normal routine for her as she always experience it.

"So Kushina any man that capture your attention?" Mikoto ask

Kushina whispers the name to Mikoto then to Shinju.

Shinju's eyes widens when she heard the name, she saw this coming to be honest.

Shinju collect herself and smile at the two others.

"Yuto Namikaze, is my crush"

That is Kushina's answers to Mikoto's question.

Shinju joke about Kushina passing her verbal tic to her or to Mikoto.

"Who knows, I might pass it to my son or daughter or to my nephew or niece, dattebane!" Kushina reply

Shinju never feel true happiness since her parents passing and the farewell of Tsunade.

Shinju witness her own parents death, she blame herself for being a coward. Sometimes, she have wish that it was her who got killed.

The teacher comes back and the class organize themselves.

The class resumes with Shinju feeling better thanks to Minato and to her new friend Kushina.

'I have another friend!' Shinju thought to herself

Shinju smile to herself knowing that she have another friend to talk, so that she cannot be lonely in her life.

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