Chapter 16

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Apparently 'Remi in never alone' wasn't a joke. Either Stell and Jen are with me or Dane is. ALWAYS! I can't go to the bathroom without one of them standing at the door. Dane's been gone a lot too since he and his father need to get everything prepared for the Alpha ceremony. The girls are thrilled because they get to wear dresses and pick one out for me too. I hate wearing dresses but I promised the girls I would. But I did not expect them to pick out a ball gown. "It's an Alpha ceremony! Not a coronation!." I shout to them as they try to make me put on the pink fluffy thing on the bed.

"It's not that big." Jen protests. I shake my head. "Fine. There's one other choice." She heads to my closet and pulls out a long black bag. When she unzips it, a long red off-the-shoulder dress flows out.

"This one could work." I let them. They smile and hurry to get me in the bathroom so I can change.

Looking in the mirror I notice just how revealing this dress is. Low cut, showing half my boobs and a slit that goes up to my hip. But it's like it was made for me perfectly. Taking a deep breath, I open the bathroom door and step out. Both girls gasp when they see me. "Oh my gosh!" Jen squeals. "It's perfect for you!"

"We did have it made just for her." Stella laughs.

"So what was the pink one for?" I ask, giving both of them a look. They burst into laughter.

"We just wanted to see you in it." Jen giggles. I roll my eyes.

"Do you like this one?" Stella asks.

"I feel very open." I tell her.

"Honey you have a body people would kill for." Jen comments. "Use it to your advantage." Heat floods my cheeks.

"Okay now we need to do her hair!" Stella claps excitedly and pushes me down in a chair where I sit for the next two hours of my life while they pull, twist, and yank my hair plus do my makeup. Then they each get in their own dresses Stella wearing a form fitting, off-the-shoulder, dusty pink dress and Jen wearing a sparkly, form fitting, navy blue one.

"You both look amazing." I tell them.

"No, we look fabulous." Jen corrects. A knock on the door breaks us from our laughter.

"Come in!" I shout. The door opens slowly and two very skittish looking boys peer in.

"Nico!" Jen says, excitedly running to his arms.

"What are you two doing here?" Stella asks. Parker clears his throat.

"We have to take you three down stairs to the ballroom." He tells us.

"Already?" I ask. He nods. Together all five of us head down the stairs in a mess of heels, that I hate, and long dresses. My heart is beating out of my chest when I reach the double doors to the ballroom. When they swing open and we all step in my eyes immediately find Dane. He smiles brightly when he sees me and holds a hand out for me to take. I walk down the long aisle to the altar where Dane stands and take his hand. "You look beautiful." He whispers. I smile up at him then take a seat next to Jen and Stella on the left side of the two rows. Dane's father Michael appears in front of Dane with a small knife and glass of water.

"Today this pack welcomes its new Alpha and my son Dane Maxwell Stone." Everyone remains quiet. "Recently his mate and Luna, Remington Elizabeth Scott, suffered a loss many of our few she-wolves have experienced. Their pups did not make it in her womb through the night." At this everyone's eyes go towards me with sadness. "But in the coming months my son, as the new Alpha, will provide an heir with his Luna, and the Stone name will live on with them." Now everyone cheers happily. "And so today under the blessing of the moon goddess herself I make my son the official Alpha of Cedarwood pack!" Michael slices Dane's hand with the dagger and pours the water over his hands. Feeling a sharp pain on my hand I see that I have a scar where Dane was cut too.

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