Chapter One

29 2 3

(Two years later)

"The it is Norwain!" Emma squealed, pointing at the mentioned girl with an up-to-no-good grin on her face.

"This is gonna be so much fun!"

"I have a perfect hiding spot already!"

Norwain can't help but to sigh as her siblings started talking amongst themselves. As usual, they're playing tag, and it was decided by Emma that Norwain (which Emma dragged relentlessly outside) is gonna be the it in payback for all the times she decided to stay coped up in heir bedroom rather than play with them. No one is about to object.

Norman gave his twin a encouraging smile, nodding his head towards his sister who grinned back at him.

"Norwain as the it?" Ray stood up from sitting down the bark of his favorite tree, closing his book shut with a 'thud' and letting it stay down the ground as the ravenette tapped his butt from the blade of grasses that might have stuck in his white pants. "This should be interesting."

Norwain slight puffed her cheeks at the ravenette who only flashed her lopsided grin.

"Alright, I'm gonna start counting now." Norwain announced, and no sooner than the words left her mouth, her siblings erupted into excited squeals followed by their footsteps which were muffled by the lush green grass.

Norwain chuckled at the sight of her siblings running away from the open grounds and towards the forest. She can see some of their younger siblings trailing after Emma as she's one of the most athletic kids in the House.

Shaking her head with a smile, Norwain turned her back on the forest to face the house where her periwinkle eyes immediately connected with their Mom's kind lavender ones. Mom smiled lovingly at Norwain, Norwain smiled back, eyes bright.

"One... Two... Three..."

The sound of her running siblings eventually faded as Norwain neared the number 10, and by the time she reached 10, the surrounding was quiet, save for the cicadas and the breeze.

"Ready or not, here I go!" And with that, the periwinkle eyes girl sprinted, making a bee line towards the forest where she knew her siblings hide. It was always the forest. The forest is their playground.

Cool wind enveloped Norwain as she reached the forest, the shade of the trees was a warm welcome from the warmth of the sun. She leaped from jutting rocks and evaded the thin branches that are reaching out towards her, all with grace.

Norwain would sometimes stop and search the ground, looking for distrubance in the nature which could be footprints, broken twigs, scent, and could be a dropped item from one of her siblings.

She followed all the trail, catching almost all the youngest ones as they squealed and giggled while Norwain kept chase, resulting in the white haired girl to let out giggles of her own as she tailed after her little siblings.

She can always tackle them down the ground to catch them, but she knew better than to do that since it'll hurt them, she also wanted to let her siblings think they have a chance at out running her even when in reality, they could not.

"Aww, and here I thought I'm doing great!" Nat stomped the ground once his white haired sister caught him, messing his red hair in frustration.

Norwain chuckled at the face he was making, reaching out and smoothing the hair Nat ruffled in irritation.

"Now, now. If I'm gonna be honest, you improved. I couldn't find you much sooner unlike back then." Norwain tried consoling the boy who crossed his arms and looked away.

"But that was a long time ago--!"

"Hush." Norwain lightly bonked Nat's head, smiling gently. "Go back, I've still got to find the older ones."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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