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Nightmare jolts awake at a loud bang downstairs, his head immediately shoots to Error. The glitch was sleeping peacefully, curled up in a ball. It made the octopus smile. He slips out of bed, frowning, then heads downstairs. He blinks.

"Hey, squid, what the hell?"

Ink was sitting in the kitchen, head bowed. All sorts of food was scattered all over the place, and Ink was slowly shoveling food in his mouth.

" Hey! Did you hear me?!"

Nightmare walks over and lightly kicks Inks side. The squid let's out a snore and falls over.

Nightmare sighs

"Ah jeez, again..."

He picks Ink up by the collar with a tentacle and heads to his brothers room, grumbling. He just barges in with no care, and drops Ink to the ground. He was about to turn until he saw his brother.

Who was doodling on the wall.

In his sleep.

Nightmare had to stare for a few moments, and slowly backs out the door.

Next time, he's just gonna ignore the banging sounds.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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