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Dream starts whacking his brother in the head with a balloon, trying to wake him up.

"Brother! Brother! Wake up! Wake up!"

Nightmare groans, picked Dream up with a tentacle and shoves him out the door. He snuggles more into Errors neck, but Error starts poking him.

"Noooooo stooooop."  Nightmare complains. Error laughs.

"Happy Birthday Idiot."  Nightmare suddenly shot up.

"Oh sh-"

"NOOO I WANT BACK IIIN!" Dream screeches. Nightmare starts pulling on his jacket and slippers.

"F*ck! I forgot!"

Error cackles. "You forgot your own birthday?! How old are you, 5?!"

Nightmare stops. How old was he? He doubted his brother knew either.

"Um... We have a problem..."


Both Dream and Nightmare were currently sitting at the table in the kitchen with Ink and Error glaring at them.

"Let me get this straight," Ink said, rubbing his temples,

"Both of you forgot your birthday, only remembered today, and you have no clue how old you both are?"

Dream and Nightmare grin sheepishly, laughing nervously.

Ink and Error nodded to each other.

"You... Uh... Wanna help me on this one?"

Error nods, "yup."

For the rest of the day, they had to wear party hats that said 'Idiot 1' and 'Idiot 2'.

My undertale OTP shorts :3 (NightError And Drink)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin