New Friend's

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[Eren Yeager's POV]

I make my way to the diner the next morning.

Mariot Diner.

It's a small little thing.

I enter through the door. Rich scents of dark roasted coffee, cream, pancake batter, sugar.

I look around. The diner has 8 booths.  Only four of them are filled.

I see a family eating. So they can't be who I'm meeting.

There was a couple, brunette haired man and a ginger freckled girl all lovey dovey. I doubt they're my meet either.

Then there was a grumpy old man, half asleep. I was told I was meeting two people. So that left the blond haired boy and a raven haired girl.

The girl, quite attractive, made eye contact with me. She smirked and motioned me to come over with her finger.

I make my way and sit across from them.

"Eren?" She says in a low voice.

I nod.

She puts her hand out to shake. "I'm Mikasa."

I shake her hand. It's soft, nice to feel.

"And I'm Armin." The blonde hair boy said and shook my hand.

"So, you were assigned to the same case as us, huh?" Mikasa smirked and rose a brow.

"Yeah. Undercover and bullshit. Heard this case was huge. My kind of stuff." I smirk back.

"We'll get you situated on all the details. Clothes, roles, inside info. We've got you." Armin assures me. "We're gonna be really close partners for a while until this case is done. So it's best if we get to know each other and learn every single about one another. And we'll also have you rehearse your lines before you go into action. We all plan to redeploy in a couple hours. That's including you. Sorry this was so sudden. Things are gonna move really fast around here. Hope you're ready."

I nod. "Get me all set up, will you?"

(The trio goes to their cellar which is located under the diner. This is where they will get ready in their clothes and have Eren rehearse his lines.)

"Alright. Your new name is (for the sake of remembering who is who, I'm going to keep their original names to lessen confusion :)" Mikasa said.

We got dressed. My hair was tied into a loose bun. I wore a black shirtsleeves button up with a collar. Plaid gray pants and black click shoes.

(Eren's outfit)

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(Eren's outfit)

(Eren's outfit)

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