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Footsteps. Branches breaking. Whispering. This is what I hear while I sit on the rocks near a river. Its weird, i don't remember walking here. My mind feels sort of blank. Feels strange. Even unreal. The sound of feet kicking rocks frightens me. They start getting closer and closer. An uneasy feeling settles in to the pit of my stomach. I decide to start running, and the footsteps become louder and shorter. Someone- Or something is chasing me. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, I'm exhausted already. What's going to happen? Is this person going to attack me? I can't seem to think of any other possibilities, because I feel something grab my shoulder, swiftly turning me around in one movement. I look up to face my attacker, not sure of what I'm going to look at. What I see is not what I was expecting. There is no one there, and yet I couldn't have been imagining it. It had all seemed so real. Slowly I begin to walk away, when something trips me. And then- I wake up.

Relieved that it had only been a dream, I look over at my clock, and realize that today is the day. Today, the society chooses. I get out of bed and get ready. I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My light brown hair is all messy in the back like almost every time i get up in the morning. So i put my hands under the tap and turn it on. After a

couple seconds when they are wet, i put my hair back down. I go back into my room and look into my closet. From there i grab a long sleeve button up shirt and slide it on real fast. I dash down stairs and grab my stuff.

I slide open the front door and walk out. I'm not sure my parents are awake, but i don't really care. I start walking to school, and wonder how long would it be until I returned to this place I hated-and loved- so much. I might get chosen, and maybe not. When I arrive at school i put my book bag in my locker, because I wouldn't be needing it today.

I walk through the familiar hallways waiting for my name to be called. I see faces I recognize, but can't name. My mind is blank. I can't seem to understand what is happening until I hear it. "Seth Galloway, it is time for you to leave". My knees buckle, and I am afraid of what will happen. Everyone knows that today is the day we leave. I am not surprised that I had been picked. My name was in the draw 17 times. I am still worried, even though I have been prepared since my 10th birthday, almost exactly 4 years ago. The society controls everything. The society knows everything. They think that to prepare us for life, we must learn to sacrifice And to make strategy. To learn co-dependence. They split us into 6 groups. Last one standing wins. Let the games begin.


-A/N Hi :) how is everyone? this story is going to be written by me (Kate) and Aiden, we will be alternating chapters. If this story resembles any other books, we did not intend for this to happen, and it is purely coincidental

The chapters Will get longer, promise.

I(kate) wrote this chapter, so the next one will be Aiden. although he did help me write the prologue. All creds to him for having this idea!

-so I wanted to know, what do you think is going to happen? what do you think the "games" are?

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 16, 2013 ⏰

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