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The next morning, I was woken up to Minho hovering over me as usual. Poking me awake as I stirred and turned in my sleep, trying to escape his evil pokes.

"Y/n... Wake up." he poked me again.

I pulled my pillow over my head but Minho grabbed it and slammed it into my chest making me groan. I sighed and sat up, earning a smug smile from Minho as he left and I changed into my black jeans and greyed shirt, my belt fitting over my chest just like Minho and Thomas. Two knives and a roll of bandages slotted neatly into it.

I made my way out of the hut and looked around the glade, a few others were awake and Thomas and Minho were both stood waiting for me near the entrance to the maze.

I smiled, grabbing an apple from a basket on the floor as I jogged over to Newt. He was already working in the gardens when I woke up, swinging a knife at the berries on the large trees.

He looked up and saw me run over, talking a bite of the apple and stopping.

"Morning. Sleep well?" He asked, grinning as he turned back to his work.

I smiled and lowered my head, hiding a tinge of red that I felt appear on my checks, "as per usual." I glanced around the Glade again when I saw Thomas with his arms crossed, watching me. "Oh, I gotta go! Thomas is gonna kill me!" And with that I scurried away to the sound of Newt laughing at me.

Thomas, Minho and Ben stood at the endurance of the maze which was now open and had opened during the night. I finished my apple and threw the core down into a bush before slowing down to a stop next to Minho.

"You lot ready?"

The three of them nodded and I tightened the straps to my belt, tying my hair up into a high pony tail then following the boys who ran into the maze and turned left.


Newt POV:

I watched as Y/n ran into the maze, following the other three runners as they went. A large smile still contorting my face as I lent against a tree that I had just been cutting.

"C'mon lizard! Back to work!" Gally commanded as he sauntered past, a smug look on his face when I picked up my knife again and went back to hitting the leaves.


Y/n POV:

It was getting to about 6:30 and Minho, Thomas, Ben and I were still in the maze. Ben had split off to go to another section of the maze and I was just hoping he had made his way back as the sun was starting to set and I could hear the scraping off walls as they began to change.

I slowed my run to a walk and rubbed my face, "I think we need to head back."

"Yeah, hopefully Ben's made his way back." Thomas shrugged, he came to a stop and turned, following Minho and I as we walked back towards the entrance.


The three of us had began to jog as we turned the last corner and I saw the entrance to the Glade, it's cosy glow seeping into the cold darkness of the maze when there was a loud crunch and the doors started to shift and scream as they closed. My eyes widened and through the gap, Newt, Gally, Frypan and Chuck sprinted to the entrance and saw us three sprinting towards the doors.

As we ran, Minho grabbed my hand as pulled me along with him as I watched Thomas slip into the glade. Minho turned to his side and ran through the closing doors, dragging me with him as I tripped up on my feet. The glade was getting closer as the doors closed further, my mind going fuzzy as I felt the large concrete slab start to squeeze me into a smaller gap when all of a sudden, I was pulled into a large open area, grass hitting my legs as I fell onto the grass below me. I was in the glade.

I looked up as Newt dashed down to the ground and yanked me into a tight hug, I snuggled my head into his shoulder when he pulled me back, "Why were you so late?" he asked.

"I don't know. Lost track of time." I shrugged at his sigh before he laughed and stood up, helping me stand when a thought crossed my mind.

"Did Ben get in?" I looked around, scanning the large glade when my eyes settled on the blonde who stood in the shadows of the forest. I smiled and calmed again when the smell of Frypan's food hit me and I looked at Newt who stood behind me.

He laughed at the sound of my stomach when it growled, "It's in like 20 minuets, relax." he laughed.

I nodded and rubbed my face, walking off and towards the secret runner hut in the woods.

Newt x Y/n - Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now