Chapter 19

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Hank was standing in the bullpen, drawing the new timeline on the white board, and relaying his conversation with Antonio to the rest of his team when he got the call.

"Voight," he said, distractedly, into the phone. He hadn't recognized the number, and he was still focused on the details of the case.

"Sergeant Voight? It's Rachel Stone, from DCFS." He immediately sensed the urgency in her tone, and he stopped writing on the white board, capping the the marker and giving the phone call his full attention.

"What's going on Rachel?" He really hoped DCFS wasn't changing their mind about Grace. That girl belonged with the Halstead's.

"It's Erin." His world seemed to stop at the sound of Erin's name. "She's at Chicago Med."

Hank didn't give offer a reply, instead he slammed his cell phone shut and shoved it deep into his jeans pocket.

The team, still surrounding his position at the white board, watched him questioningly. They all seemed to take notice of the change in atmosphere. It was Alvin who spoke up, "Hank, what's wrong?"

He was already shoving on his jacket and rushing hastily out the door, "It's Erin." At the top of the stairs, he turned for a moment and yelled back through the pen. "Al, you're in charge."

Within seconds he was in his large black SUV, sirens blaring, rushing towards Chicago Med. His heart was racing as fast as his car, and he refused to slow down even for a moment until he saw his girl's face.

He should've asked why she was there. A million scenarios plagued him through during his drive over, each scenario worse than the one before, Had she been in a car accident? How long had she been there? Why was Rachel there? Why hadn't the hospital called him? He was her emergency contact. He should have been the first call.

And then there was the question he refused to think about, the one he kept trying to push out of his mind. What she still alive?

He didn't bother parking his car in the visitor's lot, he just pulled his SUV up outside the entrance of the Emergency Department, careful not to block the ambulance bay.

He found Rachel pacing near the nurses station. "Where is she?" He didn't even slow down as he spoke, just charged in the direction that Rachel was pointing.

He tried to prepare himself for what he was going to see when he walked in that hospital room.

Erin dressed in a hospital gown, making out with Halstead, wasn't exactly what he had been expecting. But at least she's alive.

Jay's body blocked most of Hank's view. And with the way Jay's hand's were resting on Erin's face, he couldn't make it exactly what was going on.

All he knew was that she had called Jay, not him. And at this point, he wasn't exactly sure how to feel about that.

He hoped, prayed even, that it wasn't because part of Jay was involved.

He remembered the first time Camille got pregnant. They'd been married almost three years, and had been trying for about six months when they finally saw that little pink plus sign appear on the stick. They had celebrated by spending the whole day in bed, wrapped in each other's arms and basking in the new life that was already beginning to form.

He remembered that day like it was yesterday. And even more, he remembered eight days later, when Camille woke up in the middle of the night, the lower half of her nightgown drenched in blood. They had rushed to the Emergency Room in the middle of the night. But it was no use, the baby was already gone.

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