Chapter 11

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Erin called Jay first thing the following morning, hoping to catch him before work. Hank may have been semi-okay with the two them going out on a date, but she wasn't about to push it and call in the middle of a case. She had just heard Hank rush out of the house ten minutes ago, so she hoped she could catch Jay while he was still in the car.

Jay picked up after the second ring and the sound of his voice brought her back to the night before. To his words, and the deep, passionate kiss that followed. Her body began growing hot just thinking about it. God, she was insatiable.

"Good morning." He said into the bluetooth speaker in his car. Samantha had just gotten to the house to watch over the two sleeping four year olds, and he would likely be the last one to the crime scene. He hated working Saturdays. Why couldn't the criminals of Chicago respect his standing Saturday morning chocolate chip pancake and board game date with his daughter?

"Good morning."

"You know, I'm supposed to be the one calling you today." After their date last night, he couldn't wait to ask her out again. He had spent all last night wondering if tonight would be too soon, too desperate. But by this morning he had come to the conclusion that he didn't actually care how it sounded, because he was, in fact, desperate. Desperate to see her, desperate to learn everything there was to know about her, desperate to kiss her over and over again... desperate to ravish her late into the night.

"You could have," she replied coyly, smiling in the receiver.

"Erin, it's 6:30 in the morning." He looked at the clock on his dash. He really was going to be late. "You didn't even give me a chance," He laughed, completely delighted to be having this conversation at all, regardless of who initiated. It was the perfect way to start his day.

"How about this?" Erin said, laughing with him. "You can call me later and we can talk about whatever it is you wanted to talk about. And for now, I'll just tell you my quick thing and let you get to work."

Before he remembered the answer, he asked the question, "How did you know I was on my way to work?"

"Are you forgetting who I'm currently staying with?" She loved that he had changed the subject, prolonging the amount of time they would spend on the phone. She didn't care what they were talking about. She just loved hearing his voice, especially while she was lying alone in her bed.

"Ah, yes. The boss." He said the words in a mock foreboding tone and followed it with a light chuckle, even though he wasn't exactly sure he was really joking.

Wait. Had she said currently staying? Does that mean she didn't live there?

Before he got a chance to ask, she interrupted. "Anyway," she dragged out the word, giving him time to refocus on what she was saying. "I am calling to tell you that as of Monday, I am going to pass Grace's case off to a different case worker."

She hated that she had to do this. She hated it for so many reasons, not the least of which being that is was the first case she had been given by Hank. She was such a disappointment.

Every time she thought about Hank, though, she reminded herself of why she was doing this. Grace needed to stay with Jay and Maddie. It would completely change her life; it would give her a loving home, a real family, not to mention it would give her every opportunity to be someone years down the line. Being bounced around foster care was so detrimental to a child, but being adopted at 4 years old? It was the best case scenario.

And there was no way that Jay would get a fair chance if anyone found out she was romantically involved with him.

"What?" Jay's voice broke through her thoughts, and it sounded strained and distant. "Why?"

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