Am I so Unloveable?

Start from the beginning

Tiffany: h..hey guys!

She seemed a little tipsy. My friends greet her and I bow my head at her,

Bambam: what brings you here?

Tiffany smiles as she just looks at me.

Tiffany: I want j...just want to With L...Lisa.

I gulp. My friends smirk at me.

Lisa: is that a demand? Or are you asking?

This girl is super hot, I mean I always found Tiffany beautiful but we never really made it to the girlfriend stage. We flirted casually. I mean there was that one time we slept with even other but we both agreed to keep it a secret for the sake of our friendship.

Tiffany: it's a r...request.

I hum as I nod.

Lisa: which I can decline?

The intense Conversation seemed to make Tiffany smirk.

Tiffany: we both k...know you won't d...decline honey.

I nod, she speaks the truth. I stand up. Ten and Sorn stand up so they can let me out. I take Tiffany's hand and lead her to the dance floor. I place my hands on her hips as she hung hers over my shoulders. We dance to the Rhythm perfectly.

The music was louder on the dance floor.

Lisa: why are you tipsy?

I say in her ear so she could hear me. I pull away to see her face and she sighs as she leans in to my ear.

Tiffany: why aren't here with a g..girl?

I guess she means my girlfriend.

Lisa: we broke up now, answer my question?

We talk into each other's ears.

Tiffany: it's a club, why else?

I look into her eyes and I know she's lying.

Lisa: you can't lie to me Ti, what's wrong?

Tiffany sways closely to me, I have to admit I'm a little turned on but I want to know why she seems upset. I care about her too. I always want to make sure my girl is doing great.

Tiffany: can we l...leave the club?

I nod. Tiffany takes my hand and leads me out of the club.

Lisa: my place or yours?

Tiffany hands were still in mine.

Tiffany: m...mine, it's only five minutes a...away.

Me and Tiffany make your way to her place.

At Tiffany place.

It's around 12am. Me and Tiffany arrived at her place. She was pretty much clingy to me on the way here. She was cute yet I still want to know why she was upset.

She sobered up on our way Home, she kept her head leaning on my shoulder as we made our way here.

Tiffany hates the clubs, She likes her alcohol but she likes to drink at home or at a gathering with friends but never a club.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Tiffany suddenly cry. I turn to her and bring her into a hug,

Tiffany: am I so unloveable?

I squeeze her closer to me,

Lisa: you're so loveable Ti. Why are you questioning that?

When Tiffany looks at me, I wipe her tears with my thumbs. I gently wipe her cheeks. Her soft skin on her cheekbones were moist because of the tears.

Tiffany: my ex cheated on me.

I shake my head

Lisa: he's an asshole you know that. You're amazing and anyone will be lucky to have you. You're beautiful, funny, you have the best smile then any girl I've seen and it's cute that you're scared of fish.

Tiffany laughs.

Tiffany: don't even bring that up,

I chuckle

Lisa: see that's the smile I love.

Tiffany looks into my eyes and I couldn't help but fall into hers.

Tiffany: love huh? Maybe I've been searching for love in the wrong person.

I briefly look at her lips before staring back into her eyes.

Lisa: you certainly have, maybe your love was one phone call away.

Tiffany pulls me into a kiss. I couldn't help but kiss back.

Tiffany cups my face as we kissed as my hands held her by her waist.

When we pull away Tiffany leans here forehead on mine.

Tiffany: I love you Lisa, I always knew that, I just can't believe it took for someone to cheat on me to realise it.

I smile

Lisa: I love you too Ti, ever since we spend the night together, I knew I loved you more than just a friend.

Tiffany sighs in relief.

Tiffany: would you ever cheat on me?

I shake my head

Lisa: I'll be a fool to do that, so what does this mean? Are we dating?

Tiffany takes her head away from mine.

Tiffany: yes, yes we are? Promise you won't cheat on me with someone prettier.

I sigh as I tuck back a piece of hair from Tiffany face, behind her ear.

Lisa: nobody is prettier than you, you have the most beautifulest face on this planet.

Tiffany laughs.

Tiffany: come on dummy, I want you to show me how much you love me in my room.

I chuckle as Tiffany leads me into her bedroom.

Happiest day ever!!!!



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