Catching up

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Anne's POV

I was so happy to see Marcy again. I haven't seen her literally since we got back home to earth I didn't realize that she was going to move right away. And Sasha.. At first I was so scared that it was going to be so awkward to talk to her again, Turns out I was completely wrong. As soon as I saw Sasha she had a smile on her face not to mention a whole lot of blush.  Then I shortly noticed her hair I couldn't believe she cut it but it was perfect and so was her new style. Marcy also changed so much I wasn't expecting her to have long hair but it looked good on her plus the cute hair clips she had on. I ran up and gave them a big hug I never realized how much I needed that hug it felt so warm and filled with love. Shortly after our long hug I realized Sasha was looking straight into my eyes, but not in a bad way. It looked like she was observing me which I didn't mind because I was doing the same thing. She was just so beautiful I couldn't keep my eyes off of her not to mention how buff she still is from amphibia. She was always so strong on the outside but so gentle and soft on the inside that's what I loved about her the most."My shift just ended so we can head to my house, we have some catching up to do" I said. I started walking to my car while Marcy and Sasha were waking to hers. As I was driving to my house all I could think about was Sasha and I was also so excited to see what she got me for my birthday.

Sasha's POV

As I was driving to Anne's Marcy pulled out a small jewelry box from her pocket "I'm so excited to give this necklace to Anne for her birthday! What did you get for her sash?" Marcy said with excitement. How the FUCK did I forget it was Anne's birthday that was literally the main reason we were meeting up in the first place. I'm so fucking stupid HOW DID I FORGET. "It's uh- surprise!" I replied to Marcy. "Ooo!! I'm so excited I know mine is small but this necklace reminds me so much of us and our journey in amphibia" Marcy proceeded to show me the necklace she got for Anne, it was beautiful. It had three stones next to each-other, one stone was red, one was green, and the one in the middle was blue. "Wow Mar-Mar its so beautiful and it's the colors of our calamity powers" i said. "Ahaha yeah that's kinda why I thought it was perfect" Marcy said with excitement. As we got to Anne's house I stated panicking i dated Anne for a year in high school and I can't even remember her birthday. I knocked on the door to see Mr and Mrs Boonchuy and gave them a big hug. I missed them, I was always over when me and Anne were dating and her parents were always so supportive unlike mine. "Anne is in her room waiting for you two" Mrs Boonchuy said. I guess Anne got here quicker than us. "Okay!" Me and Marcy replied as we ran upstairs to Anne's room. "hey Anna-banana OPEN THIS 😁😁" Marcy said with a huge grin on her face. "Wow thanks mar-mar!" Anne said as she started to open the box. "Marcy..this is beautiful Thank you." Marcy gave Anne a thumbs up and a smile. I however look so stupid right now Anne is probably thinking where the heck is my gift. "Omg sash I'm so excited to see your surprise for Anne" Marcy whispered in my ear. "Oh y-yeah that ha-ha" I said sounding like a coward. I didn't want to keep talking about that so I obviously changed the subject. "so Anne 23 years old huh? What have you been up to as an adult" I said. "Oh ya know "adulting" ahah to be honest I've just been focusing more on myself what about you sash?" Anne replied. "Well the second I turned 21 I started going to clubs and some bomb ass parties I also got a job but mostly partying and maybe a little drinking" I said with laughter. "Oh sounds fun I've never been to a club." I know damn right Anne did not just say she's never been to a club before but then I had a brilliant idea. "Well Anne boy do I have a surprise for you" I said with a smirk on my face. Marcy and Anne started following me to my car. As we got in I put a blindfold on Anne. "No peaking!" I said. Anne started giggling "promise I won't" shortly I started the car and we were on the way to the surprise.

AHHH hope u guys liked chapter two IM SOOO EXCITED for chapter 3 things are about to get spicy 🌶 🤪 so stay tuned

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