Chapter 5: You what?

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Inside the Sanctum Sanctorum, Peter appears, scared. He looks around and deactivates his suit, spider senses flaring. He steps forward


A creature lunges at him, roaring. Peter screams and jumps back.

Tony jumped and put a hand to his chest. Peter snorted at the reaction of both his mentor and everyone else in the room.

Peter jumps back in shock, as the monster hits an invisible barrier. It's in a cell. Pan to reveal that the creature is The Lizard, from The Amazing Spider-man.

"Why is there a dinosaur in there?" Ned asked, though it came out as more of a awed whisper.

"It's a lizard" Peter whispered back, keeping his eyes on the screen but tilting his head towards his friend.

"Sick" Ned grinned, nodding his head.

Doc Ock storms at Peter, only to hit an invisible wall himself.

Peter staggers backward. A hand clamps his shoulder, causing him to scream and whip around.

Peter turned to Tony at once, glare at the ready. Sure enough, the man was laughing quietly, mirth in his eyes.

"Like you would've been any better"

"My reaction is to attack, not scream, but whatever helps you sleep at night, kid"

Reveal Dr. Strange, now battered and bruised.

"Be careful what you wish for, Parker"

Doc Ock pounds on the barrier, demanding to be let out.

Peter looks to Strange with wide eyes. "Can you please explain to me what is going on?"

"That little spell that you botched where you wanted everyone to forget that Peter Parker's Spider-Man, it started pulling in everyone who knows Peter Parker's Spider-Man -- from every universe -- into this one."

"Holy shit," Clint cursed as other people groaned exasperatedly. Peter just smiled slightly, remembering who else the spell had pulled into this universe.

Peter's mouth drops minutely "From "every universe"?"

Doc Ock is still panicking in his cell "Who are you? And where am I?!" Strange ignores him

"I think it's better we don't engage with them because frankly the Multiverse is a concept about which we know frighteningly little-"

Peter cuts in, amazed "The Multiverse is real?!"

Bruce let out a slow, long breath and leaned forward in his seat. It was times like these, as Steve looked at him like he was insane, that he remembered how much of a nerd he really was.

Dr Strange sighs "This shouldn't even be possible"

"But I thought you stopped the spell" Peter says.

"No, I contained it. But it would appear that a few of them squeaked through"

Peter is staring in shock.

"You're such a geek" Bucky laughed slightly, a soft undertone to his words. Steve scoffed

"Like you weren't dragging me to all those science shows"

Bucky slammed his hand on the armrest beside him "They were interesting"

"Not to me"

"After you left, I detected an otherworldly presence, I pursued it into the sewers, where I found that-"

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