•Chapter 12•

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Y/N pov:

As we arrived Gaara showed us to his place as we all go tread to move out again. "I will be going now but I will be back" I heard Gaara say as o walked to him. "I'm coming with you" I said as he looked at me "Lady (Y/N) we need you here" Kakashi said as he placed his hands on my shoulder. "Not one of us can plan a strategy like you" he said as I looked at him " he is right (Y/N)" Gaara said as I looked at him "when will you be back?" I asked as he looked at me and smiled "soon" he said as he kisses my forehead softly and walked out disappearing into the sand out side "we should get ready" I said moving to a table "now this os what you all will do Sakura you will get the medical stuff. Sai and Naruto you will get the kunai and other things ready. Temari and Kankuro you will prep food we will take with" I said as Temari looked at me and nodded "why us Lady (Y/N) out of everything we could do" Kankuro asked "Because you both know the village and it's foods if it was the leaf I would have asked anyone except Naruto because he would make us eat Ramen the whole mission trough" I said as Naruto looked at me "not true" he said. "Anyway Kakashi and Yamato Sansai you will help me with the planing

Gaara pov:

I just arrived at the Kazakage office as I walked to where the feudal lord was. At this point I was so angry of what he wanted to do that I burst open the sand with my jutsu. I walked in with cold eyes as he looked at me "oh Lord Gaara it's you" he said as I walked to him hitting my hands on the table infront of him "how dear you ask the leaf to look for a bride for me" I said in a angry tone. "You left me no choice Lord Gaara you don't like the girls that are here and we know Temari likes one of the poeple in the leaf so she will be moving there soon. I thought you would find someone like she did" he said as I told a few steps back. "Still who are you to decide" I said as I looked away "but you where right i did find someone and she is here in our village as one of the members who where supposed to give you the documents that I ordered to be disposed of when I found out." I said as he looked at me "is it that girl with the pink hair..i never took you for this type Lord Gaara" he said as I looked at him "her name is (Y/N) (L/N) Uchiha from the Uchiha, Uzumaki and Hyūga clan along with a member of the village hidden in the leaf's" I said looking at him "this is good I will start preparing the wedding" he said as I nodded "not yet I'm waiting for the right moment to ask her" I said "and that is if she says yes" I said as I looked at him. "Well I have a mission to do so I will be going..but next time don't do something behind my back." I said as he nodded yes so I walked out as I heard him say "make sure to ask her" he said as I smiled walking to the Kazakage office to get the things for my mission that was in the next village not so far away. Well I can't say that it is a mission because it is more of a gathering with them. When I got what was needed I went to where (Y/N) and the others were. When I got there Sai was outside busy with his scroll so I walked to him "what are you doing out here" I said looking at him " I'm sending a messeng to the leaf village" he said "what for" I asked sitting down next to him as he finished "supper beats scroll" he said as the letter turned into a bird flying away "in two days there would have been a celebration but I told them we are not going back yet so they will have to postpone it till we return to the leaf." He said as I looked at him "what is the celebration for" I asked looking at Sai. "It's for lady (Y/N).." he was busy explaining as I looked at him "what is it for did something happen to her on that day" I said looking at him "calm down Lord Gaara" he said as he looked at the sky "in two days 19 years ago was the day she was saved and her birthday. Every year we make it a big celebration." He said as I looked at the sky "so I found the right time" I said as Sai looked at me in a weird way "what do you mean lord Gaara?" He asked as i looked at him "oh it's nothing don't worry about it"

Y/N pov:

I walked out looking for Sai as I saw him and Gaara as I smiled "Gaara we are ready to go" I said as he got up walking to me. "Good we will be going soon" he said as we walked in and sat down "Gaara your back" Temari said as he looked at me "yes and we will be leaving in a hour so get ready" he said. "I think we should sleep for a while" I said as they all agreed so we all went to get some rest but that was not my plan. I got up after poeple where asleep as I walked out and sit down on the step. Not so long after Kakashi was next to me "oh when did you get up and come here Kakashi?" I asked as he sat down next "what is wrong lady (Y/N)?" He asked as i looked at the sand as I used a jutsu to move the sand around as I looked down "in two days is my birthday.." I said as I looked at him "yes I know" "I don't want it I just want it to pas as fast as it can." I said looking up "why is that Lady (Y/N)?" Kakashi asked. "Because that is the day you all located my father Orochimaru up and I'm not allowed to see him at all.." I said holding back my tears and Kakashi pulled me into a hug. "This time it will be different" he said as I looked at him. "What do you mean Kakashi?" I asked as I looked at him.

This is the end of chapter 12 hope you enjoyed it and I will start with chapter 13 now

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