•Chapter 10•

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Gaara pov:

I looked at speechless (Y/N) as picked up the documents. "Me..but how and how do you know I'm a Jinchūriki?" She asked as she looked at me. "First when we felt the chakra it's was all around us in the cave so we thought there must have been a nother Jinchūriki there but other then the Akatsuki it was only you. We didn't think it was you until it happen again and all that was the same was you being there. We still weren't sure but now we can be." Naruto said everyone looked at me

Y/N pov:

"Lady (Y/N).. are you really a Jinchūriki?" Sakura asked as i stood up as my (H/C) became darker than before. I slowly removes my (F/C) hair tai as my (H/L) hair fell infront of my face I looked at them with colder eyes then before and even Gaara's as they all stepped back. My teeth shared as I smiled and my eyes became like a snakes with one purple and the other a green yellow color and a strong chakra then ever came from me. "What is this chakra it's stronger then before what tailed beast does she have" Sai asked as he got his supper beats scroll ready and everyone got ready for an attack from me "No wait the tails beast is showing himself/herself to us" Gaara said as Karumaru started speaking for her "I'm Karumaru the 11 tails beast inside of my master (Y/N)." He said as Naruto and Gaara looked at each other "11 but there is only up to 9" Naruto said "Your wrong there are 11 with the 10 tails being a statue that the Akatsuki hase." Karumaru said "now I will give you back master (Y/N) but she might be out for a since I took over without her knowing and Gaara master (Y/N) feels like you do." Karumaru said as my eyes closed and everything went to normally as I fell to the ground and Gaara ran to me catching me before I fall smiling. All I could hear was "Temari and Kankuro come here.." that Gaara said as I passed out again.

Gaara pov:

"Temari and Kankuro come here with the documents I'm sending you on a mission." I said looking at (Y/N) smiling. Not so long after they where standing infront of me with the documents. "What is it Lord Gaara?" Temari asked as i looked up at you "Temari, Kankuro,Naruto,Sai,Yamato,Kakashi and Sakura you are all to distroy the documents no matter what is that clear" I said as they all left as soon as the could. When they were gone I felt a bit tried so I used my sand to pick up the beatiful sleeping (Y/N) and took her to a room to rest. I placed her down gently and put the blanket over her making sure she would not be cold during the night i softly kissed her head and walked away to get a bed ready for me. I placed the bed a few feet away from her's and got in looking at her before I fell asleep not so long after.

Rest pov {not (Y/N) or Gaara}:

"I think this is far enough" Yamato said as he looked at the rest. "Temari and Kakashi we will be using your jutsu for this." Kankuro said as Kakashi and Temari nodded. "Chidori" Kakashi said as he used his lightning stile to brack there documents in a lot of tiny parts. After Kakashi was done Temari used her fan "wind jutsu" Temari said as she blow away all the tiny parts. "Can we go back now" Sakura asked as everyone nodded. They moved back together as quietly as they could. "What do you think Gaara is doing now" Temari asked as they all smiled "We will find out soon" Naruto said "Guys quite we are close" Sakura said as the reached the house. They stood infront of the door "Guys wait the door will make noice so I think we should go through the window" Kakashi quietly said. They all entered trough a window that Yamato created when he made the house. We walked through the house looking for them as we saw that they where no longer at the spot there we where "guys I found them" Sakura said quickly coming out of one of the room. We all looked at them as they where asleep so peaceful. "Guys I have a good idea but we are going to have to move Lady (Y/N)" Temari said "what are you think and where do we move her..?" Sai asked. "We move her closer to Gaara then I'll show you what I will do" Temari said. Kakashi picked (Y/N) up as Sai and Yamato mover her bed closer. As Kakashi put her down Sakura put the blanket over her and Kankuro put her head in a position for her not to get hurt.Temari walked to them as Temari looked at Kankuro as he moved to Gaara. He used his puppets to move his hand down closer to (Y/N) as Temari took (Y/N)'s hand and placed it on Gaara's hand. They stood there looking at them for a while befor going to get ready to sleep as they went to sleep not long after

This is the end of chapter 10 hope you enjoyed it and I will start with chapter 11 now

"Why Is His Cold Eyes So Worm" (Gaara×Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें