The Only Hope For Me Is You

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-Thirty Minutes Later-

I heaved my backpack over my shoulder. Why the hell would I want to go to class when I could be locked away in my dorm with Harry? School is the furthest thing from my mind but it can’t be avoided. My parents didn’t spend thousands for me to just skip classes.

On top of that, my bum is sore.

Harry sits on my bed with his head hung at the prospects of being alone. I sigh. It probably isn’t the best idea in the world to take Harry to class but I’d feel much worse leaving him behind.

“I have to go to school so I don’t know if you’d fancy going with me-”

His head snaps up.

“Yes! I want to go!”

“C’mon then, love. We’ve got history of music.” I smile as his face radiates adoration.

He looks adorable in a thick blue sweater and jeans. His hair is a little wild but in a good way. And god his perfect dimpled smile, it’s too much to handle sometimes. I promise I won’t take Harry for granted. I’m going to appreciate every single look and touch because for all I know, if I don’t figure out some miracle, it could be the last…

“What?” Harry asks tilting his head slightly, curiously.

“You’re just so beautiful.” I speak softly.

“Not as much as you.” He slinks over and lays his head on my shoulder wrapping his arms loosely around my waist. His curls brush against my cheek like velvet. He presses warm lips against my neck and I hold him against me tightly. Why can’t we just stay in these kinds of moments? Why can’t we just stay in the moments that make us blissful? My throat tightens.

I won’t get emotional.

“We’re gonna be late.” I whisper. “And after, we’re meeting Zayn at his dorm.

Zayn promised he’d help out in any way he could so I’m gonna take his word for it.

He slackens his hold and plants a kiss that feels more like a caress on the corner of my lips.

As we walk down the corridors, Harry happily swings our clasped hands and begins to softly sing some Bruno Mars song. The walk to the music hall is pretty picturesque. We walk across the big grass courtyard where some students are riding bikes or hurrying to class. Despite the nippy weather, some couples are sitting under trees cuddling.

We reach the big stone building and I pull Harry up the stone steps into the warm hall. It’s the first room on the right and I peek through the window. Great, class has already started. I quietly open the door and take a seat in the way last row up. It’s one of those classrooms that have levels and I probably won’t be able to hear shit sitting back here. Harry sits beside me and watches me as I pull my notebook out with a blue ink pen. I grab an extra notebook and pencil sliding it in front of Harry.

“We just sit here?” He whispers.

“Take notes.” I whisper.

“Of what?”

I point to the teacher all the way on the first level who’s giving a lecture on the introduction of the electric guitar.

For the first few minutes Harry sits beside me quietly.

He doodles pictures and my name all over the first page of the notebook.

Then he places his extraordinarily large hand on my inner thigh. I shoot him a look but he only bats his eyes at me innocently. I shake my head and continue on with my notes.

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