Heartbreaks & Evil Plots

Start from the beginning

[Denise Office]
"We demand for a paternity test. The timing is odd, she is clearly playing a psychological game with you. She will demand allowance if it is yours. Are you sure it is yours?" Denise asked. "I am not sure, if there is any possibility of a Ozgur spawn, it is either Devin or Ezgi. They are the only two women that I ever had unprotected sex with." Ozgur confess. "Well thats not helping" Denise said as she rolled her eyes, "but I strongly advice you demand for a paternity test. It is the only way to know. If she refuses, its clear indication, the child is not yours and we sue for defamation." Ozan chipped in "Devin is certainly crazy but she might not even be in it for the money." "Ok we demand for paternity test" Ozgur concluded, "thanks Denise. I owe you one. I need to leave now."

Ozgur rushed back to the hospital just as Cansu was stepping out. "Cansu! Is Ezgi ok?" He asked hurriedly. "She is fine but Ozgur ... she is not ready to see you. She is very upset and left. She said she will call you tonight. Maybe you want to wait for her call?" Cansu said in an almost sorry manner. This macho man Ozgur looks almost reduced to tears again, "what why? I have to speak to her Cansu. Where did she go? Did she go far? Is she in Bursa?" Ozgur asked frantically, he needs to find her. "She left maybe 15 mins ago in a cab. She said she will be not be at her mum's restaurant and that you shouldn't look for her" Cansu relay the message. "What but why? She knows I love her right? Its just a fucking sick joke, the kid might not even be mine. Cansu ... please I have to see her" Ozgur is on the verge of a complete melt down, he felt his heart tightening and its suddenly difficult to breathe. Cansu looked at Ozgur pitifully, "I really dont know anything else. I am sorry" Ozgur wanted to punch the wall. He got into his car and slammed the door, 15 minutes she said. He will spend race to bursa before her and made sure he comb the streets of bursa to find her.

It took him one hour to get to Bursa. He sped through the whole 154km road, here he is right outside of her mother's restaurant that is oddly close on a Saturday afternoon. In any case, he will camp here even if it takes days, he will wait here. He is sure she will come home. This was her safe spot. They will reconcile and all will he fine just like the last time they had a misunderstanding. He was about to set up his camping chair when his phone rang - Ezgi.

"Ezgi! You have no idea how worried I was. Please, where are you we need to speak. Devin is just an ex and its just a boy, it might not even be mine! Even if its mine, you are my family. I will never leave you." Ozgur blabbered on, hoping she would understand. What he received was radio silence, "hello Ezgi?"

Ezgi took a deep breathe and said "Let's break up Ozgur." There she said it, she felt as if she had physically stabbed herself in the heart but it was right, the right thing to do. Ozgur response was an immediate, swift and firm "No."

"What do you mean no?"

"No means no Egzi" Ozgur said as he pause, he felt the tears choking in his throat, "You can't do this do me, not after what we have been through. I know I am an idiot but I have never been anything but loyal towards you!"

"Ozgur ... its your nature. You will never change, not for me, not for Devin. We should break up while it hurt less" Ezgi reasoned trying to hold back tears, she need to sound strong. It doesn't hurt less now, it fucking hurts but she needs to do this, for herself, for her baby.

Ozgur felt as if Ezgi had stabbed him right in his heart, he find it hard to breathe as he lean on his car. This is what a heartbreak feels like. Devin had broke Ozgur heart before but now, it feels far worse, he could not control it any longer as tears fall uncontrollable. "Ezgi what are you doing? Does it hurt less for you now? Why are you doing this to me?" Ozgur didn't understand why is Ezgi breaking his heart.

"Ozgur I ... I am sorry" she said as she end the call. "Ezgi ... Ezgi!" Ozgur shouted at his phone. He looks like a madman shouting at phone in the middle of a freeway in Bursa. He frantically called again, his large hands skimming over the tiny iPhone, begging for get to pick up.

Thankfully she did. "Ozgur please. Stop calling me"

"My Egzi will never break me because she love me so much. But my Egzi what are you doing to me now? I can't breathe. I feel like I am going to get a heart attack. After all that we have been through? Please Egzi, we cannot break up." Ozgur didn't understand why, "Are you going back to the doctor? I saw you with Sedar but I believed that you love me, you were angry that i didn't trust you so I trusted you, I blindly believed you."

Ezgi is pissed now. He had turned this shitstorm on her. "You have no right to say all these to me Ozgur. You fathered a child and told me nothing. I am making a decision for you, the child deserve a family and I am not a home wrecker." Ezgi shouted.

"I clarified, I said no secrets. I have never lied. Devin and I were together 6 years and thats it, she is just a girl from 6 years ago who claim that I had a child with. Heck the child might not even mine, why are you so angry? We are supposed to stick by each other. If one day you told me you had had a child, I would love you and your child all the same Ezgi" Ozgur reasoned, he really didnt know why Ezgi is so unreasonable. Well, Ezgi knows because she has a child too and as much as she knows he could divide his time between two children, she's selfish and bitter that Ezgi and their child are not his only. If they cant be his only, they wont be his at all. "And how many women could claim their as child as yours? Hundreds of them Ozgur, I am not in for such a game."

"Ezgi, you dont have to worry about that. There is only two possibilities. You and Devin." Ozgur repeated what she told Denise earlier, facts, he didnt lie.

"So you admit the child is yours." Ezgi said flatly.

"We have to run test but that is a possibility. It changes nothing between us." Ozgur couldn't understand why is it so hard for Ezgi to understand.

"Thats all I need to hear." Ezgi said utterly rejected. Devin and her, she scoff, is she sharing a harem with Devin in the high courts of Ozgur. Ozgur had never knew exclusivity, a leopard never changes its spot indeed.

"Please, if the child is not mine, would we be fine again?" Ozgur beg, he would give anything for her to come back. Pregnant silence. "I will take it as a yes. We will put all these behind us real soon beloved. I will be here again tomorrow at your mother's restaurant." He said as she ended the call.

[Tolga Office]
"Hello, yes it is confirmed. Devin broke the news at LaGabbia. Ezgi fainted when she read the magazine." The spy reported to Tolga.

Tolga hang up the phone and smiled satisfactorily at Yezmin and Sedar. He had told Yezmin to work on planting little seeds of discord in Ezgi's fragile little mind and Sedar was strategically placed at the park that day thanks to spies he had planted in Laguna and LaGabbia. It also amaze him how loyalty can be bought so cheaply. In any case, this was what he wanted. Ozgur had always been the most successful of the cousins, the most good looking, the smartest, the most loved, the richest with his rich daddy. He's glad his rich uncle is dead, his father always told him how exploitive he is to his workers and how Ozgur father exploited his father by buying LaGabbia cheap. He doesn't need LaGabbia anymore but it sure feels good to see Ozgur going down. These two evil siblings just made his job easier, like his little minions doing all the dirty work. Ozgur had accumulated many enemies in his life, even Devin was on board.

It was true that Devin didn't like Ozgur but Tolga had promised her huge compensation and monthly allowance from Ozgur deep pockets. The many years of partying and wandering had left her in desperate need for cash. Tolga presented her an opportunity, knowing Ozgur, he will surely believe her. Her "son" was plucked out from an orphanage, Sedar could fake a paternity test. Tolga see absolutely no flaws.

He smiled as Devin walked in with the boy - Milo. The circle is completed, now they brainstorm Milo backstory...

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